syoyo / tinyusdz

Tiny, dependency-free USDZ/USDA/USDC library written in C++14

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[Tydra] [RenderScene] Support some AR specific Mesh/Material(Collider Mesh, Physics Material, ...)

syoyo opened this issue · comments

Tydra RenderScene converter currently cannot handle Collider mesh(no points attribute) and physics Material(No actual shader assigned).


            def Mesh "sceneGroundPlane" (
                apiSchemas = ["Preliminary_PhysicsColliderAPI"]
                customData = {
                    bool preliminary_isSceneGroundPlane = 1
                rel material:binding = </Root/Scenes/Scene/sceneGroundPlane/physicsMaterial>
                float3 normal = (0, 1, 0)
                float3 position = (0, 0, 0)
                rel preliminary:physics:collider:convexShape = </Root/Scenes/Scene/sceneGroundPlane>

                def Material "physicsMaterial" (
                    apiSchemas = ["Preliminary_PhysicsMaterialAPI"]
                    uniform double preliminary:physics:material:friction:dynamic = 0.58
                    uniform double preliminary:physics:material:friction:static = 0.58
                    uniform double preliminary:physics:material:restitution = 0.48

We need to convert it to AR specific object(Collider object, Physics settings)