synthetichealth / synthea

Synthetic Patient Population Simulator

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Compiling Problems:

BOTwinnik opened this issue · comments

What happened?


Hopefully this is belonging to the right place here, since I have to admit that I am very new to JavaEnvirements.
I wanted take a look in to the Development Setup and tried to follow the instructions of
First, I cloned the synthea.git successfully into a folder.
At this point I had installed Git and JDK Development Kit 20.0.2

But now I always receive an error, when I am executing gradle.bat in the command prompt. I tried to downgrade Java to Java 19, uninstalling Java 20 and set the JAVA_HOME variable to the folder of the older version. Still I get the same error but now with:

"Unsupported class file major 63" instead of "Unsupported class file major 64"


Can somebody explain to me, why there an error like this is accuring and how to solve this problem, I would be very happy then.

Thanks a lot.


- OS: Windows 10 Pro
- Java: java version "19.0.2" 2023-01-17

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It looks like the version of gradle that we have bundled with Synthea doesn't support these more recent versions - we should explore updating to a newer version of gradle and provide more guidance on supported versions of Java.

@BOTwinnik in the meantime can you try with JDK 17? 17 is the current LTS (long-term support) version and will be actively supported for 3 more years

I ran into the "Unsupported class file major 64" while trying to install on a fresh laptop last week. Reverting to JVM 17 helped, but then I ran into the problems documented in #1336.

You may need to patch the build.gradle file, as specified in #1337

Thank you both for the quick reply! I will check for JDK 17 and let you know, whether it worked out.

@BOTwinnik I'm going to assume this issue is resolved and close it. Feel free to re-open it if you're still seeing the error.

Note also that we made a recent update and Synthea now supports JDK 19, so another potential fix is to get a fresh copy of synthea and try again.