synic / jbeans-emacs

Jellybeans.vim based theme for emacs

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Ugly colors in term output

akotulski opened this issue · comments

When using multiterm, blue colors are unreadable (too dark, looks very similar to background color)

I think it's because this theme doesn't set term-color-* variables

Ah, I never use the terminal in emacs. Do you have suggestions for colors?

I provided example colors that make terminal readable, but I'm not sure they match this theme very well.
I didn't spend any time on background colors, maybe they should be the same as foreground.

;;;;; Term
       `(term-color-black                    ((,class (:foreground ,jbeans-bg :background ,jbeans-bg))))
       `(term-color-red                      ((,class (:foreground ,jbeans-red-2 :background ,jbeans-red-3))))
       `(term-color-green                    ((,class (:foreground ,jbeans-green-2 :background ,jbeans-green-3))))
       `(term-color-yellow                   ((,class (:foreground ,jbeans-yellow-3 :background ,jbeans-yellow-2))))
       `(term-color-blue                     ((,class (:foreground ,jbeans-blue-0 :background ,jbeans-blue-1))))
       `(term-color-magenta                  ((,class (:foreground ,jbeans-purple-0 :background ,jbeans-purple-3))))
       `(term-color-white                    ((,class (:foreground ,jbeans-fg :background ,jbeans-fg))))
       `(term-default-fg-color               ((,class (:inherit term-color-white))))
       `(term-default-bg-color               ((,class (:inherit term-color-black))))

This is how it looks like:
screenshot from 2017-12-09 11-50-45

I added your colors, thank you!