syndicated-media / sn-spec

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Artist/Album/Song Data

greylockglass opened this issue · comments

The subject of music podcasting is always chock-full of interesting issues to kick around. I don't want to talk about music rights here. At least not directly.

I'm wondering what utility there might be in including artist/song info in the feed. In addition to simply providing info interesting to listeners, I can envision a practical use: submitting info to the charts/promoters. Right now, music podcasters who provide playcounts to promoters/charts have to physically enter data or type an e-mail including artists' names, albums, songs, etc. I can envision being able to submit my feed to promoters/music tracking charts in a way that some system created in the near future can extract the information automatically. This could revolutionize the independent music industry.