syndicated-media / sn-spec

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


farski opened this issue · comments

Apple recently did a 180 on how their itunes:explicit tag works, to the extent that some potentially useful functionality was lost, though it's uncommon at this point for people to actually be making clean versions of explicit content.

What about using something like at both the show and episode level?

Existing reference for RSS:

It would be really helpful to know from those in a position to re-broadcast podcasts as part of any network whether "cleaning" content is worth my time. We're a liberal Democrat podcast and our listeners in that mode expect a certain amount of swearing!

I recommend a wider array of ratings options. Apple's current clean, explicit, and unmarked (seems to still work) aren't quite clear. I think something like film ratings (G, PG, R, and X) would be better. Or consider descriptive ratings like television shows ("LSV" = language, sex, violence).