SyncfusionExamples / item-template-elements-selection-listview-xamarin

This repository contains sample about how to change the selected item background in Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView)

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How to change the selected item background in Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView)

You can change the BackgroundColor of the elements in the ItemTemplate based on selection in Xamarin.Forms [SfListView]( using converter.

You can also refer the following article.


Define the converter for Grid and Label inside ItemTemplate to change the BackgroundColor when the item is selected using SelectionChangedCommand of ListView.

<ContentPage xmlns=""
            <local:ColorConverter x:Key="colorConverter"/>
            <syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" ItemSize="60" ItemsSource="{Binding ContactsInfo}" SelectionChangedCommand="{Binding ListViewSelectionChanged}">
                        <Grid x:Name="grid" BackgroundColor="{Binding IsSelected, Converter={StaticResource colorConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Reference grid}}">
                                <ColumnDefinition Width="70" />
                                <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
                            <Image Source="{Binding ContactImage}" VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" HeightRequest="50" WidthRequest="50"/>
                            <Grid Grid.Column="1" RowSpacing="1" Padding="10,0,0,0" VerticalOptions="Center">
                                <Label x:Name="label1" LineBreakMode="NoWrap" TextColor="#474747" Text="{Binding ContactName}" BackgroundColor="{Binding IsSelected, Converter={StaticResource colorConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Reference label1}}"/>
                                <Label x:Name="label2" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" TextColor="#474747" LineBreakMode="NoWrap" Text="{Binding ContactNumber}" BackgroundColor="{Binding IsSelected, Converter={StaticResource colorConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Reference label2}}"/>


Change the IsSelected property of item based on selection using the SelectionChangedCommandParameter.

namespace ListViewXamarin
    public class ContactsViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public Command ListViewSelectionChanged { get; set; }
        Contacts previousItem = null;
        public ContactsViewModel()
            ListViewSelectionChanged = new Command(OnSelectionChanged);
        private void OnSelectionChanged(object obj)
        foreach (var selectedItem in (obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs).AddedItems)
            (selectedItem as Contacts).IsSelected = true;
        foreach (var removedItem in (obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs).RemovedItems)
            (removedItem as Contacts).IsSelected = false;


Converter to change the BackgroundColor of the ItemTemplate elements.

namespace ListViewXamarin
    public class ColorConverter : IValueConverter
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            return (bool)value ? parameter as Grid != null ? Color.Blue : Color.Yellow : Color.Transparent;
        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();




This repository contains sample about how to change the selected item background in Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView)


Language:C# 100.0%