sympy / sympy_gamma

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GSoC Project to rebuild SymPy Gamma using Pyodide

mostlyaman opened this issue · comments

I have been working on a demo for rebuilding SymPy Gamma using Pyodide and applying for a GSoC Project to complete the application. Most of the work done during GSoC would be to implement remaining features to the demo and add new functionalities as well.
GSoC Proposal (Initial Draft currently):

Please suggest what additional features or changes you would like to see in SymPy Gamma.
I have some UI additions in mind.

A new feature I want to implement is a context menu.
You can define expressions in it and use them in the search.

Eg: You can define A = x**2 - 2*x in the context menu.
You can reference this expression in your gamma search now without having to repeat the expression again.
like A - integrate(A, x)

I will show a demo tomorrow so the idea would be clearer. Please provide any feedback and/or suggestions to the project.

Here is what I have in mind with my context menu feature. This is a simple example. We can define some raw data in the context menu and then manipluate it using gamma search. (This is just the visualization of my idea,I have not implemented it yet in the demo)

It was something I wanted in SymPy Gamma as a user. Please share your thoughts about it.
I also took a look at some issues mentioned here in the SymPy Gamma Issue Tracker. Many of them would be useful additions to gamma. I will add some of them to the project proposal.

Would it be possible to "select some part" of the expression from the main input field and assign it to a context name with a button "a,b,c,...x,y,z" and to replace the selected part in the main input field with that context name variable?

I suppose it can be done. That would be a good way to use this feature.
(There can be as many content variables as the user wants, I thought I might mention that since the image does not suggest so.)