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Prevent updates to package.json

trsteel88 opened this issue · comments

I am including symfony/ux-turbo in my application and it keeps trying to include a file in my package.json.

I don't want to include this in my package.json as I am including turbo myself. Is there a way to prevent changes to packages.json from specific bundles?

What file? The @symfony/ux-turbo/... one ?

Yes, that's right.

Those files are the ones connecting Symfony with Turbo... what would you remove them ?

I already have turbo included in my package.json

"@hotwired/turbo": "^7.1.0",

Why would I need the ux/turbo package? The only real reason that I am using symfony/ux-turbo is for the stream format helper. e.g:

if (TurboBundle::STREAM_FORMAT !== $request->getPreferredFormat(TurboBundle::STREAM_FORMAT)) {

The package would not install Turbo twice, so i am not sure to understand the problem here.

Why would I need the ux/turbo package?

Because you installed the symfony/ux-turbo bundle? :)
The bundle goal is to connect webpack or assetmapper with symfony and ease the installation & usage of Turbo.

More information about the @symfony/ux-turbo/ package (it does not contain Turbo):

Yes but I still don't want it to change my package.json. Is there a way to prevent that? I only want to use this bundle to detect the request type.

If you disable Flex probably ?

I can't do that. I guess I'll just have to reset package.json whenever an update occurs. It's a shame it can't be configured as I'm not using this package for loading turbo, I just want it to detect the request type

Well, if having another dependency installed (even if not called) is impossible for you, yes i think this should be the only solution right now.

If you have another idea / implementation suggestion, we'd be glad to help you open a PR