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PHP polyfills

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"Class 'p\\Php80' not found" when use str_starts_with() in PHP7.3 or PHP7.4

JL2014 opened this issue · comments


In an encrypted environment, in a Windows PHP 7.3 or 7.4 project , we have this error :

production.ERROR: Class 'p\Php80' not found {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Class 'p\\Php80' not found at .\api\vendor\symfony\polyfill\src\Php80\bootstrap.php:32)
#00 ...\api\app\Helpers\Env.php(123): str_starts_with('', '...')
#1 ...\api\app\Helpers\Env.php(142): App\Helpers\Env::decodeEnvPassword('', '...')
#2 ...\api\config\database.php(44): App\Helpers\Env::env_password('...')
#3 ...\api\vendor\laravel\lumen-framework\src\Application.php(688): unknown()
#4 ...\api\vendor\laravel\lumen-framework\src\Application.php(662): Laravel\Lumen\Application->configure('database')
#5 ...\api\vendor\laravel\lumen-framework\src\Application.php(410): Laravel\Lumen\Application->loadComponent('database', Array, 'db')
#6 ...\api\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php(805): Laravel\Lumen\Application->Laravel\Lumen\{closure}(Object(Laravel\Lumen\Application), Array)
#7 ...\api\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php(691): Illuminate\Container\Container->build(Object(Closure))
#8 ...\api\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php(637): Illuminate\Container\Container->resolve('db', Array)
#9 ...\api\vendor\laravel\lumen-framework\src\Application.php(300): Illuminate\Container\Container->make('db', Array)
#10 ...\api\vendor\laravel\lumen-framework\src\Application.php(778): Laravel\Lumen\Application->make('db')
#11 ...\api\bootstrap\app.php(54): Laravel\Lumen\Application->withEloquent()
#12 ...\api\public\index.php(14): unknown()
#13 {main}

Any idea what cause this problem ?


No idea. Can you provide a simple reproducer?

No idea. Can you provide a simple reproducer?

Unfortunately no because big project in encrypted case ...

Do you do some special things in composer.json?

Unfortunately no because big project in encrypted case ...

Do you encrypt your vendor folder?

Hi everyone,

Do you do some special things in composer.json?

there is a "post-autoload-dump" script that modify autoload but nothing linked with this error.

Do you encrypt your vendor folder?


In a similar project, we have to downgrade polyfill to 1.19 version to avoid errors.

Can you copy/paste the content of .\api\vendor\symfony\polyfill\src\Php80\bootstrap.php?

Can you copy/paste the content of .\api\vendor\symfony\polyfill\src\Php80\bootstrap.php?



  • This file is part of the Symfony package.
  • (c) Fabien Potencier
  • For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  • file that was distributed with this source code.

use Symfony\Polyfill\Php80 as p;

if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {


if (!function_exists('fdiv')) {
function fdiv(float $num1, float $num2): float { return p\Php80::fdiv($num1, $num2); }
if (!function_exists('preg_last_error_msg')) {
function preg_last_error_msg(): string { return p\Php80::preg_last_error_msg(); }
if (!function_exists('str_contains')) {
function str_contains(?string $haystack, ?string $needle): bool { return p\Php80::str_contains($haystack ?? '', $needle ?? ''); }
if (!function_exists('str_starts_with')) {
function str_starts_with(?string $haystack, ?string $needle): bool { return p\Php80::str_starts_with($haystack ?? '', $needle ?? ''); }
if (!function_exists('str_ends_with')) {
function str_ends_with(?string $haystack, ?string $needle): bool { return p\Php80::str_ends_with($haystack ?? '', $needle ?? ''); }
if (!function_exists('get_debug_type')) {
function get_debug_type($value): string { return p\Php80::get_debug_type($value); }
if (!function_exists('get_resource_id')) {
function get_resource_id($resource): int { return p\Php80::get_resource_id($resource); }

there is a "post-autoload-dump" script that modify autoload but nothing linked with this error.

That might be the issue.
As you can see in the source, use Symfony\Polyfill\Php80 as p; means that p\Php80 really means Symfony\Polyfill\Php80\Php80.
The fact that the error tells about p\Php80 means that the use is not properly resolved.
The reason is on your side, not on this repo.
Closing therefore as we can't help past this point.
Good luck with debugging :)

Hi @nicolas-grekas,

I removed our post-autoload-dump but the problem is still there.

The "vendor\composer\autoload_static.php" seems to be good (before encryption) :

'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php72\\Php72' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill/src/Php72/Php72.php',
'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php73\\Php73' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill/src/Php73/Php73.php',
'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php74\\Php74' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill/src/Php74/Php74.php',
'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php80\\Php80' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill/src/Php80/Php80.php',
'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php81\\Php81' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill/src/Php81/Php81.php',
'Symfony\\Polyfill\\Util\\Binary' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/polyfill/src/Util/Binary.php',

I don't understand where is the resolution error.

Perhaps a link with the backslash used in class name ? (we can see double "\" in files on Windows)


The double \ is because \ is the escaping character in PHP strings, and so needs to be escaped. There is no issue about that.

I suspect that the issue might be related to your encryption layer then.

Hi @stof,

I have open a ticket on the encryption software.

Thank you for your help everyone.

We experience same problems, did you found a solution for this ?

Hi @admindotnu,

a ticket has been opened at our used encryption software, I will inform you if they find something.

for information, a possible workaround we use temporarily is to replace all occurrences of "p\Php80" by "Symfony\Polyfill\Php80\Php80".
