Syed Moinuddin's repositories
Web Portfolio with Next JS + Tailwindcss
This project is a simple React application built with React Flow and next.js .
A landing page built with, Next.js, Styled-Components, GSAP and Framer-Motion 😎✨
Welcome to ChitChat, a powerful real-time chat application designed with the MERN stack, Vite.js,, TailwindCSS, and DaisyUI.
This project is a React-based web application featuring a modern UI built with Material-UI and styled using Emotion. It includes interactive charts powered by Chart.js and icons from FontAwesome.
This modern job portal is built with React.js, ViteJS, and JavaScript. It features job posting for recruiters, application tracking for candidates, and supports authentication via Google and custom email/password. Using Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI for a sleek design, and Supabase for backend.
Still working on it
This is a portfolio website I created to showcase my work. I’m always striving to create something unique and innovative. If you like it, be sure to give it a star.
Shopify app using Python and Django This project makes it easy to get a Shopify app up and running with Django and the Python Shopify API.
About Next.js 14 application that analyzes and visualizes stock price data for multiple tech companies using TypeScript. The focus is on server actions for data processing and basic data visualization.
This were you get to know me
Built specifically for AI startups, this website helps them present their offerings and get noticed.
SVG icons made on a 24x24 grid with a 2px stroke perfect for use on your next website or app.
Hi, I'm Syed Moinuddin! I am passionate about delivering high-quality code and thorough documentation. My expertise spans various programming languages, and I thrive in collaborative environments where I can contribute valuable insights and work closely with teams to build efficient.