sxh1136 / IMPACT1_study

Analysing data from ICU Microbiome Study -

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Downloading sequencing data from ENA

Study: PRJNA533528

Retrieve download info from ascension:

$ curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --header 'Accept: text/plain' -d 'result=read_run&query=study_accession%3DPRJNA533528&fields=fastq_ftp' '' > raw_data/fastq_info.txt

There are 2 links back to back in the line, so the script will try and read them both as one link unless you put the space in between them and make them two separate columns. To separate the links replace the semicolon with a tab using:

$ sed 's/;/\t/'g fastq_info.txt > fastq_locations.txt

Now download the fastq files using the locations file using wget:

$ while read -A line ; do wget ${line[2]} ; wget ${line[3]} ; done < fastq_locations.txt

As the fastq files are named according to their ENA sample accession, they need to be renamed. The file SampleID_to_run-accession.txt is a tsv file containing the sample accessions and their corresponding sample IDs. A while loop is used to do this:

$ while read -A line; do mv ${line[1]} ${line[2]}; done < SampleID_to_run-accession.txt

There are also three missing fastq files on ENA, as well as one that was uploaded incorrectly (13-6929666) that can be downloaded from here

Quality Control

Samples 13-6929545, 13-6929633, 13-6929634 and 13-6929899 ommitted from further analysis as they contain very little data (<100,000 reads).

Unzipping fastq files

First of all, we need to decompress our fastq files using gzip. Using the GNU parallel command will decompress multiple files at once (according to how many cores we have).

$ ls *.gz | parallel gunzip


Run Fastqc on all samples in parallel

$ for i in *.fastq; do echo "${i}"; done | parallel fastqc -o fastqc

Remove exact duplicates

Although not strictly necessary, as our duplicate levels are quite high it is desirable to remove exact duplicates to lessen downstream computational load. We can do this with the -derep 1 flag in prinseq-lite.

$ for i in *_1.fastq; do -fastq ${i} -fastq2 ${i/_1.fastq/_2.fastq} -out_format 3 -derep 1 -out_bad null; done
$ for i in *.fastq; do mv ${i} ${i/prinseq*fastq/clean.fastq}; done

Metagenome Assembly


Before using IDBA_UD for sequences longer than 100bp you need to increase the kMaxShortSequence value in src/sequence/shortsequence.h. This needs to be done before compiling the software.

IDBA_UD also requires paired reads to be in a single merged fasta format. They provide a fq2fa script for this:

for i in *_1_clean.fastq; do fq2fa --merge --filter ${i} ${i/_1_clean.fastq/_2_clean.fastq} ${i/_1_clean.fastq/_merged.fasta};done

To run the assembler with default parameters:

for i in *fasta; do idba_ud -r ${i} -o ${i/merged.fasta/idba_ud} --num_threads 8;done

IDBA is poorly documented and insert size error could not be solved.


Instead samples will be assembled with metaSPAdes instead

for i in *1_clean.fastq; do /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/ --meta -o ${i/1_clean.fastq/metaspades} -1 ${i} -2 ${i/_1_clean.fastq/_2_clean.fastq}; done


Run metaphlan to get non-viral abundance estimates. (Running with add-viruses didn't really change the results. Metaphlan not great at detecting viruses).

# Run metaphlan
for i in *_1_*gz;do echo "metaphlan ${i},${i/_1_/_2_} --bowtie2out ${i/_1_clean.fastq.gz/_bowtie2out} --nproc 16 --input_type fastq --unclassified_estimation -o ${i/_1_clean.fastq.gz/_metaphlan.txt}";done
# Merge metaphlan files *txt > impact1_metaphlan_merge.txt
# Extract species lines for merged metaphlan tables
awk 'NR<3' impact1_metaphlan_merge.txt > impact1_metaphlan_merge_species.txt; grep -E "(s__)|(^ID)" impact1_metaphlan_merge.txt | grep -v "t__" | sed 's/^.*s__//g' >> impact1_metaphlan_merge_species.txt
# Remove metaphlan tag
sed -i 's/_metaphlan//g' impact1_metaphlan_merge_species.txt


Analysing data from ICU Microbiome Study -


Language:Python 100.0%