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Add a create-react-app v2.0 based starter

mehiel opened this issue · comments

@sw-yx if you're interested in a CRA v2.0 based starter for this list I created one at https://github.com/mehiel/cra-suspense-starter

Using it on a recent project [1] and the intention is to keep this up to date as the React team finalizes the APIs and release v17. Of course as we approach v17 those starters should fade out but till then they may come in handy.

[1] relevant twitter thread: https://twitter.com/mehieltwit/status/1041385026959695872

ooo. thanks!. can you update to use 16.6@canary and then send in a PR :)

One day out of office and I missed the release :)
Things change faster that expected as we approach React Conf! Which is a "yay".

So, I did the update on the starter to actually remove all local modules. But I'm not sure that a starter is now required, since we have a release!

I'll make the PR though.

appreciate the contribution!

fyi @mehiel simple cache provider is now react-cache

@sw-yx I know. If you see the commit message I changed it back to simple-cache-provider because it's not yet on npm [1]. Is it?

In any case till now the API is the same between the two. Afaik, It's facebook/react#13337 that is going to change things. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

[1] https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-cache

@mehiel its available as react-cache@canary :)