swisspol / GCDWebServer

The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)

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Error: Cocoapod not working anymore with use_frameworks!

dylancom opened this issue · comments


If you install GCDWebServer from a cocoapod and your podfile contains use_frameworks!, "GCDWebServerPrivate.h" can't be found anymore in many files.
For e.g. the file: GCDWebServerStreamedResponse.m reports the error: 'GCDWebServerPrivate.h' file not found.

When removing use_frameworks! from the podfile (and perform another pod install) all imports work fine again.

same problem, did you fix it?

i don't import pod "GCDWebServer", "~> 3.0"
pod "ConnectSDK" to project can you show me how import and run project

Fixed it with

pod "GCDWebServer", "~> 3.0", :modular_headers => true