swimlane / pyattck

A Python package to interact with the Mitre ATT&CK Framework

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Get tools directly from a technique

aacienfuegos opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to get the tools used for a specific technique and I see that the Technique object doesn't have a property with the tools.

Although the opposite is availible (getting the techniques related to a specific tool), I would like to get the tools from the technique itself, just like it's done with Actors, Mitigations, etc. I've tried to add a new propperty to technique.py and it seems to work fine (it's already being done with the tool's property in actors).

If there's a reason this isn't being done already, either because it's not possible or it's not how you are "supposed" to use the matrix, please let me know.

@aacienfuegos I’ll get this incorporated into the next release.

Awesome! Thank you.