swimlane / ngx-graph

Graph visualization library for angular

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Issue with arrow sub grouping for a single Node

vanya986 opened this issue · comments

I'm using the version ->"@swimlane/ngx-graph": "^7.0.0-rc.1", and angular core 9.1.1 versions.

I'm trying to create a organizational tree structure some thing like this below using ngx-graph
I expecting some thing like this in the below picture

I want to subgroup the node from one node to other node like the yellow highlighted in the picture and the group part as in the picture.
but I'm getting as below pic, I don't need like this as below pic. I want like the above image.

Can any one help me in resolving this issue.

Hi @vanya986, did you manage to solve this? I'm encountering a similar use case on my project.