swimlane / ngx-charts

:bar_chart: Declarative Charting Framework for Angular

Home Page:https://swimlane.github.io/ngx-charts/

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Change geolocation from browser to Mumbai, numerical values are displayed in local language.

smi-t opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When you see the charts in browser and change your geo location to Mumbai the numerical values are switching to local language (Marathi).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to (https://swimlane.github.io/ngx-charts/#/ngx-charts/advanced-pie-chart)
  2. Right click on screen, go to inspect.
  3. Click three dots, more tools, sensors, change the location to Mumbai and refresh the link.
  4. See error

Expected behavior
The numerical values should not change to local language it should be displayed in English only.
