swillis12 / dtsgenerator

TypeScript d.ts file generate from JSON Schema file

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TypeScript d.ts file generator from JSON Schema file or OpenAPI(Swagger) spec file.

nodejs version npm version build status Coverage Status Greenkeeper badge npm download count dtsgenerator Dev Token MIT license

Table of Contents


npm install -g dtsgenerator


$ dtsgen --help
Usage: script [options] <file ... | file patterns using node-glob>


  -V, --version                output the version number
  --url <url>                  input json schema from the url. (default: )
  --stdin                      read stdin with other files or urls.
  -o, --out <file>             output d.ts filename.
  -n, --namespace <namespace>  use root namespace instead of definitions or components.schema from OpenAPI, or -n "" to suppress namespaces.
  -h, --help                   output usage information


    $ dtsgen --help
    $ dtsgen --out types.d.ts schema/**/*.schema.json
    $ cat schema1.json | dtsgen
    $ dtsgen -o swaggerSchema.d.ts --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/master/schemas/v2.0/schema.json
    $ dtsgen -o petstore.d.ts -n PetStore --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/master/examples/v2.0/yaml/petstore.yaml

Advance Usage

For customize the output type name.

Install for library

npm install -S dtsgenerator

Usage for library

For example, it want to add the I prefix to the interface name. This is not usual example...


import dtsGenerator, { DefaultTypeNameConvertor, SchemaId } from 'dtsgenerator';
import * as fs from 'fs';

const filePath = '../../test/snapshots/json-schema-draft-04/schema/schema.json';

function typeNameConvertor(id: SchemaId): string[] {
    const names = DefaultTypeNameConvertor(id);
    if (names.length > 0) {
        const lastIndex = names.length - 1;
        names[lastIndex] = 'I' + names[lastIndex];
    return names;

async function main(): Promise<void> {
    const content = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8') );
    const result = await dtsGenerator({
        contents: [content],



Output debug message by debug library.

$ DEBUG=dtsgen dtsgen schema/news.json

Links about JSON Schema and Swagger

Supported spec and features

  • JSON Schema

    • Draft-04 and before
    • Draft-07 and before
  • OpenAPI

    • OpenAPI Specification version 2.0
    • OpenAPI Specification version 3.0
  • supported features in these spec


v2.2.0 (2019-08-06)

  • fixed
    • Fix: "_" character at the end of generated type #358. Thank you @KostblLb πŸ‘

v2.1.0 (2019-07-18)

  • features:
    • Add to support objected example #356. Thank you for reporting the issue #348 by @fantapop πŸ‘
    • Add to support the application/x-www-form-urlencoded branch on OpenAPI. #357

v2.0.8 (2019-06-25)

  • fixed
    • Fix: OneOf + type "object" produces empty interface #351. Thank you @polomani πŸ‘

v2.0.7 (2019-05-07)

  • fixed
    • Fix: typename when the path is nested #334. Thank you @steelydylan πŸ‘
    • Fix: Support ref objects for OAS3 requestBodies + responses #343. Thank you @anttiviljami πŸ‘

v2.0.6 (2019-02-14)

  • fixed
    • Fix "Error: The $ref target is not exists" on valid OpenAPI 3 spec #322. Thank you @f1cognite πŸ‘

v2.0.5 (2019-01-28)

v2.0.4 (2019-01-07)

  • fixed
    • Fix missing schema due to yaml references #318. Thank you @sakari πŸ‘

v2.0.1 (2018-12-21)

  • fixed
    • A property name cannot contain a "/" #315. Thank you @Reggino πŸ‘
    • update .npmignore

v2.0.0 (2018-10-22)

  • features
    • Add to support emit the Request/Response object schema of OpenAPI by #304.

older versions history



dtsgenerator is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright Β© 2016-2019, Hiroki Horiuchi


TypeScript d.ts file generate from JSON Schema file


Language:TypeScript 100.0%Language:JavaScript 0.0%