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Not able to run the LSP

doozMen opened this issue · comments

When trying to setup visual studio code like in the ReadMe I got errors that it could not run the sourcekit-lsp. I'm trying this on Catalina.

Then I just tried to run it. But this failed with message below. Any idea's?

swift-LOCAL-2020-02-15-a.xctoolchain ./usr/bin/sourcekit-lsp

Fatal error: fatal error encountered decoding message MessageDecodingError(code: LanguageServerProtocol.ErrorCode(rawValue: -32700), message: "expected \':\' in message header", id: nil, messageKind: LanguageServerProtocol.MessageDecodingError.MessageKind.unknown): file /Users/jenkins/data/workspace/swift-embedded/swift/src/sourcekit-lsp/Sources/LanguageServerProtocolJSONRPC/JSONRPCConnection.swift, line 191
[1]    8624 illegal hardware instruction  ./usr/bin/sourcekit-lsp