swesterfeld / audiowmark

Audio Watermarking

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zita-resampler not found after compiling from source

InvisioDigital opened this issue · comments

Hello, I am having trouble after compiling from source. Commands listed in readme are running fine:
make install

I am then trying audiowmark gen-key test.key and get the following error:
error while loading shared libraries: libzita-resampler.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

libzita-resampler was recognized while running ./configure and the file libzita-resampler.so.1 is located in /usr/local/lib64 but I am not sure where to move it or how to make it accessible for audiowmark.

The server uses EC2 instance with AWS AMI 2 Linux which is based on RHEL 7 in case that's relevant.

I would appreciate any help in this matter.

Ok, technically this is a bug in audiowmark because it could add a proper rpath to the executable so that it would automatically look in the right location.

I wouldn't really recommend moving the library. Instead just add the directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable and it should work.

Thank you for your quick response. This turned out to be weird as LD_LIBRARY_PATH already had /usr/local/lib64 in it. But for some reason it wasn't accessible, i.e. echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH was returning an empty line.

I have added a script to /etc/profile.d:

then I gave the file chmod +x and relogged.

audiowmark gen-key test.key now creates the key.

If not for your response that would've probably taken me a lot longer to figure out, thank you.

I've been able to reproduce that it doesn't work out-of-the-box if zita-resampler is installed in a non-standard location, should be fixed by setting the rpath: e8b530d