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Sweep: extend tests/test_modify_utils.py

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(Click to expand) Here are the code search results. I'm now analyzing these search results to write the PR.

import unittest
from sweepai.agents.modify_utils import english_join, indent, tokenize_code, code_processor, check_valid_parentheses, check_valid_parentheses_for_patch
class TestModifyUtils(unittest.TestCase):
def test_english_join(self):
self.assertEqual(english_join([]), "")
self.assertEqual(english_join(["apple"]), "apple")
self.assertEqual(english_join(["apple", "banana"]), "apple and banana")
self.assertEqual(english_join(["apple", "banana", "cherry"]), "apple, banana, and cherry")
def test_indent(self):
self.assertEqual(indent("", 2), "")
self.assertEqual(indent("hello", 2), " hello")
self.assertEqual(indent("hello\nworld", 2), " hello\n world")
self.assertEqual(indent("hello\nworld\n", 4), " hello\n world\n")
def test_tokenize_code(self):
self.assertEqual(tokenize_code(""), [])
self.assertEqual(tokenize_code("# comment"), [])
self.assertEqual(tokenize_code(" "), [])
self.assertEqual(tokenize_code("def foo():\n pass"), ["def", "foo", "(", ")", ":", "pass"])
def test_code_processor(self):
self.assertEqual(code_processor(""), "")
self.assertEqual(code_processor("# comment"), "")
self.assertEqual(code_processor(" "), "")
self.assertEqual(code_processor("def foo():\n pass"), "def foo ( ) : pass")
def test_check_valid_parentheses(self):
def test_check_valid_parentheses_for_patch(self):
self.assertEqual(check_valid_parentheses_for_patch("", ""), (0, 0, ""))
self.assertEqual(check_valid_parentheses_for_patch("()", "()"), (0, 0, ""))
self.assertEqual(check_valid_parentheses_for_patch("()", "())"), (0, 1, ")"))
self.assertEqual(check_valid_parentheses_for_patch("(())", "()"), (1, 0, "("))
self.assertEqual(check_valid_parentheses_for_patch("{[]}", "{[]}"), (0, 0, ""))
self.assertEqual(check_valid_parentheses_for_patch("{[]}", "{[]}}"), (0, 1, "}"))

from math import inf
import os
import re
import sys
from rapidfuzz import fuzz, process
import stringzilla as sz
from loguru import logger
import rapidfuzz
from tqdm import tqdm
from sweepai.core.chat import ChatGPT, parse_function_calls, tool_call_parameters
from sweepai.core.entities import FileChangeRequest
from sweepai.utils.convert_openai_anthropic import AnthropicFunctionCall
from sweepai.utils.diff import generate_diff
from sweepai.utils.github_utils import ClonedRepo
from sweepai.utils.ripgrep_utils import manual_code_check
from sweepai.utils.code_validators import get_check_results
from sweepai.utils.str_utils import rstrip_lines, strip_triple_quotes
from sweepai.core.entities import parse_fcr
modify_tools = """
# make_change - Make a SINGLE, TARGETED code change in a file. Preserve whitespace, comments, and style. Changes should be minimal, self-contained, and address only one specific modification. If a change affects multiple separate code sections, use multiple calls to this tool, one for each section.
To call this tool you must respond in the following xml format:
Explain how this SINGLE change contributes to fulfilling the user's request.
Name of the file where the change will be made. Ensure correct spelling as this is case-sensitive.
The existing lines of code that need modification or replacement. This should be a SINGLE, CONTINUOUS block of code, not multiple separate sections. Include unchanged surrounding lines for context. This CAN NOT be empty.
The new lines of code to replace the original code, implementing the SINGLE desired change. If the change is complex, break it into smaller targeted changes and use separate make_change calls for each.
# create_file - Create a new code file in the specified location with the given file name and extension. This is useful when the task requires adding entirely new functionality or classes to the codebase.
To call this tool you must respond in the following xml format:
The full file path, including the extension. Ensure the name is clear, descriptive, and follows existing naming conventions.
The initial contents of the new file.
Explain why creating this new file is necessary to complete the task and how it integrates with the existing codebase structure.
# submit_task - Indicate that the task is complete and all requirements have been met. Provide the final code changes or solution.
To call this tool you must respond in the following xml format:
Summarize the code changes made and explain how they fulfill the user's original request. Provide the complete, modified code if applicable.
instructions = """You are an expert software developer tasked with editing code to fulfill the user's request. Your goal is to make the necessary changes to the codebase while following best practices and respecting existing conventions.
To complete the task, follow these steps:
1. If new functionality is required that doesn't fit into existing files, create a new file with an appropriate name and location.
2. Make the code changes in a targeted way:
- Preserve existing whitespace, comments and code style
- Make surgical edits to only the required lines of code
- If a change is complex, break it into smaller incremental changes
- Ensure each change is complete and functional before moving on
When providing code snippets, be extremely precise with indentation:
- Count the exact number of spaces used for indentation
- If tabs are used, specify that explicitly
- Ensure the indentation of the code snippet matches the original file exactly
3. After making all the changes, review the modified code to verify it fully satisfies the original request.
4. Once you are confident the task is complete, submit the final solution.
In this environment, you have access to the following tools to assist in fulfilling the user request:
You MUST call them like this. Be sure to close all XML tags properly:
param1 value
Here are the tools available:
No function calls were made or your last function call was incorrectly formatted. The correct syntax for function calling is this:
parameter1 value here
parameter2 value here
Here is an example:
The justification for making this change goes here
old code line here
new code line here
Be sure to include the <function_call></function_call> XML tags, as well as XML tags for the the tool name and parameters. If the current task is complete, call the submit_task function.
EMPTY_ORIGINAL_CODE_PROMPT = """The original_code variable is empty. It MUST contain a valid section of code from the existing file that you want to modify.
It seems like you are trying to use the make_change function to append code, you must follow these steps:
# 1. Thinking
a. Identify the code we are trying to append.
b. List function headers in this file that are relevant to the code we are trying to append, and explain what they each do. For example, if our code is tests multiplication, focus on tests that test multiplication. Follow this format:
- Function: [function_name] - [description]
[additional functions]
c. Identify the function you want to append the new_code block to, copying them completely and VERBATIM from the file. Do NOT paraphrase or abbreviate the source code, keeping all comments, docstrings, indentation, and whitespace. Placeholder comments like "# existing code" are not permitted. Be sure to copy the ENTIRE function or section of code.
The function or section of code you want to append to.
d. Copy the new code you want to append with indentation matching that of the original_code block.
The new code you want to append.
# 2. Function call
Then generate a make_change function call with the following parameters:
a. Put the code from section c into the original_code variable.
b. Copy the code from original_code and paste it into the new_code variable.
c. Append the new code you want to add after the original code in the new_code variable.
d. Add the <append>true</append> flag. This is critical to ensure the new code is ADDED after the original code, instead of replacing the code.
Here's an illustrative example of how to use the make_change function to append code:
Here's an example of the input file:
<file_to_modify filename="tests/calculator_test.py">
import unittest
from calculator import Calculator
class TestAddition(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.calc = Calculator()
def test_add_positive_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.add(2, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, 5)
def test_add_negative_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.add(-2, -3)
self.assertEqual(result, -5)
def test_add_zero(self):
result = self.calc.add(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(result, 0)
class TestSubtraction(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.calc = Calculator()
def test_subtract_positive_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.subtract(5, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, 2)
def test_subtract_negative_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.subtract(-5, -3)
self.assertEqual(result, -2)
def test_subtract_zero(self):
result = self.calc.subtract(5, 0)
self.assertEqual(result, 5)
class TestMultiplication(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.calc = Calculator()
def test_multiply_positive_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.multiply(2, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, 6)
def test_multiply_negative_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.multiply(-2, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, -6)
def test_multiply_by_zero(self):
result = self.calc.multiply(5, 0)
self.assertEqual(result, 0)
a. We are adding a new test case for multiplying two negative numbers in the calculator_test.py file.
b. List of relevant functions:
- Function: test_multiply_positive_numbers - Tests multiplying positive numbers
- Function: test_multiply_negative_numbers - Tests multiplying negative numbers
- Function: test_multiply_by_zero - Tests multiplying by zero
c. Since we are adding a test case for multiplying two negative numbers, we should append the new test case right after the test_multiply_negative_numbers test. Here is the function we want to append to:
def test_multiply_negative_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.multiply(-2, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, -6)
d. Here is the new test case we want to append with matching indentation:
def test_multiply_negative_by_negative(self):
result = self.calc.multiply(-4, -2)
self.assertEqual(result, 8)
Add a test case for multiplying a negative number by a negative number right after the test_multiply_negative_numbers test.
def test_multiply_positive_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.multiply(2, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, 6)
def test_multiply_negative_numbers(self):
result = self.calc.multiply(-2, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, -6)
def test_multiply_negative_by_negative(self):
result = self.calc.multiply(-4, -2)
self.assertEqual(result, 8)
Notice how:
a. The original_code block is copied exactly from the existing code.
b. The original_code block consists of the functions we want to append the new code after.
c. Only a several lines of code are included before where you want to add the new code in the original_code block, but enough code is provided to give context.
d. The indentation in both original_code and new_code matches the file_to_modify code.
e. There are no placeholder comments like "# existing code" in the original_code block.
This is how you should append code using the make_change function. Please make another make_change function call with the corrected, non-empty <original_code> block and append flag set to true."""
DID_YOU_MEAN_PROMPT = """Fix your make_change function call by following these steps:
# 1. Thinking
Describe in great detail how your original_code block differs from what's in the codebase. Are you missing any indentation?
# 2. Function call
Make the make_change function call again, this time ensuring that the original_code parameter matches the code from file."""
self_review_prompt = """Before proceeding, it is important to review and critique the changes you have made. Follow these steps:
a. Review CURRENT TASK for requirements.
b. Analyze code patch:
- Incorrect indentations that does not match surrounding code
- Unnecessary deletions
- Logic errors
- Unhandled edge cases
- Missing imports
- Incomplete changes
- Usage of nullable attributes
- Non-functional code
- Misalignment with plan and requirements
c. Perform critical contextual analysis:
- Break down changes
- Explain reasoning
- Identify logic issues, edge cases, plan deviations
- Consider all scenarios and pitfalls
- Consider backwards compatibility and future-proofing
- Suggest fixes for problems
- Evaluate error handling and fallback mechanisms
d. Be extremely critical. Do not overlook ANY issues.
e. Finally decide whether additional changes are needed or if the task is complete.
If additional changes are needed, make the necessary changes and call the make_change function again. If the task is complete, call the submit_task function."""
linter_warning_prompt = """There is a linter warning in the code changes. Resolve the warnings by following this format:
# Thinking
a. Look closely at the changes made and critique the change(s) you have made for any potential logical errors.
b. Identify what the linter warning is, and what may be causing it. Keep in mind that the actual cause of the error may be different from what the linter is suggesting, such as inconsistent indentation.
c. Indicate the minimum amount of changes required to resolve the linter warnings.
Then, call the make_change function to fix the linter warnings. If the warning absolutely cannot or should not be resolved, call submit_task with an explanation of the issue."""
linter_indentation_warning_prompt = """There is a linter warning in the code changes. It also looks like you have changed the indentation of the code, which may be the cause of the error.
Resolve the warnings by following this format:
# Thinking
a. Look closely at the changes made to identify any syntax errors that may have caused the linter errors. Does the number of indents in the changed code compare to the number of indents in the surrounding code?
b. Critique the change(s) you have made for any potential logical errors.
c. Identify what the linter warning is, and what may be causing it. Keep in mind that the actual cause of the error may be different from what the linter is suggesting, such as inconsistent indentation.
d. Indicate the minimum amount of changes required to resolve the linter warnings.
Then, call the make_change function to fix the linter warnings. If the warning absolutely cannot or should not be resolved, call submit_task with an explanation of the issue."""
fix_parentheses_prompt = """It seems that you have added or removed {diff_parentheses} extra {parenthesis} parentheses. Your <original_code> has {old_left_parentheses} opening and {old_right_parentheses} closing parentheses, while your <new_code> has {new_left_parentheses} opening and {new_right_parentheses} closing parentheses. You MUST resolve the issue by following these steps:
# 1. Thinking
First, identify which of original_code and new_code has a mismatched number of parentheses and the correct number of parentheses it's supposed to have.
Second, decide whether to expand or shrink the original_code so that it encompasses an entire block of syntactically valid code that still surrounds the targetted change.
# 2. Function call
Then, call the make_change function again with the corrected parameters."""
fix_syntax_prompt = """You MUST resolve the issue by following these steps:
# 1. Thinking
a. Indicate what you have changed. Indicate the code that you have removed and the code that you have added back.
b. Identify where the broken code occurs and why it is broken.
c. Identify whether it is the code removed (original_code) that is causing the issue or the code added back (new_code).
d. Explain how we can correct the original_code or new_code in the make_change function call to create a correct change.
# 2. Function call
Then, reinvoke the make_change function call with different changes that yields valid code."""
ORIGINAL_CODE_NOT_FOUND_PROMPT = """The original_code provided does not appear to be present in file {file_path}. Your provided original_code erroneously contains:
Let's fix this error by responding in the following format:
# Thinking
1. List function headers in this file that are relevant to the code we are trying to append, and explain what they each do. For example, if our code is tests multiplication, focus on tests that test multiplication. Follow this format:
- Function: [function_name] - [description]
[additional functions]
Based on these options, deterimine the most similar function header to the original_code you provided.
2. Copy the most similar section of code from the ACTUAL contents of {file_path}. Follow this format:
ACTUAL contents of {file_path} that are most similar to original_code
3. Copy the most similar section of the ACTUAL contents of {file_path} to the previous <original_code>. This will go into the <original_code> parameter of the new function call. Follow this format:
The most similar section of the ACTUAL contents of {file_path}
4. Write the updated code, applying the changes from your previously provided <new_code> section into the new <original_code> parameter. This will go into the new <new_code> parameter.
# Function call
Then, follow up with a make_change function call with the corrected parameters. If you are unable to find the correct section of code, call the submit_task function with an explanation of the issue."""
MULTIPLE_OCCURRENCES_PROMPT = """You MUST resolve this error by following these steps:
# 1. Thinking
a. Identify whether you want to replace all occurrences of the original code or only a specific one. If you want to replace all occurrences, you can use the replace_all flag by adding <replace_all>true</replace_all> to the function arguments.
b. If you want to replace only a specific occurrence, which occurrence you want to replace and the corresponding surrounding context, following this format:
Corrected original code:
The original_code block you want to replace with surrounding context.
Corrected new code:
The new_code block you want to replace with the same surrounding context.
# 2. Function Call
Then, call the make_change function again with either the replace_all flag or additional context in the original_code block to specify which occurrence you want to replace."""
DEFAULT_FUNCTION_CALL = """<function_call>
def english_join(items: list[str]) -> str:
if len(items) == 0:
return ""
if len(items) == 1:
return items[0]
if len(items) == 2:
return f"{items[0]} and {items[1]}"
return ", ".join(items[:-1]) + f", and {items[-1]}"
def indent(text: str, spaces: int) -> str:
return "\n".join([f"{' ' * spaces}{line}" if line.strip() else "" for line in text.split("\n")])
def tokenize_code(code: str):
cleaned_code = ""
for line in code.split("\n"):
stripped_line = line.strip()
if stripped_line.startswith("#") or stripped_line.startswith("//") or len(stripped_line) == 0:
cleaned_code += line + "\n"
tokens = []
for token in sz.Str(cleaned_code).split_charset(separator=' \n\t\r()\{\}\[\]', maxsplit=sys.maxsize, keepseparator=True):
stringified_token = str(token)
if stringified_token.strip():
return tokens
def code_processor(code: str):
return " ".join(tokenize_code(code))
def check_valid_parentheses(code: str):
stack = []
parentheses_mapping = {")": "(", "}": "{", "]": "["}
for char in code:
if char in parentheses_mapping:
if stack and stack[-1] == parentheses_mapping[char]:
return False
elif char in parentheses_mapping.values():
if char in parentheses_mapping:
return not stack
def check_valid_parentheses_for_patch(original_code: str, new_code: str):
for parentheses in ["()", "{}", "[]"]:
left, right = parentheses
original_left = original_code.count(left)
original_right = original_code.count(right)
new_left = new_code.count(left)
new_right = new_code.count(right)
diff_original = original_left - original_right
diff_new = new_left - new_right
if diff_original != diff_new:
return diff_original, diff_new, left
return 0, 0, ""
def find_best_matches(
needle: str,
haystack: str,
threshold: int = 50,
best_matches = []
file_contents_lines = haystack.split("\n")
num_lines = len(file_contents_lines)
num_non_whitespace_chars = sum(not char.isspace() for char in needle)
max_char_diff = max(100, int(num_non_whitespace_chars * 0.03))
tokenized_needle = tokenize_code(needle)
for start_line in tqdm(range(num_lines), total=num_lines) if verbose else range(num_lines):
# if time.time() - absolute_start > 5:
# breakpoint()
# raise Exception("Took too long to find best matches")
potential_choices = []
end_lines = []
end_line = start_line
current_string = ""
num_chars = 0
while num_chars < num_non_whitespace_chars + max_char_diff and end_line < num_lines:
current_string += file_contents_lines[end_line] + "\n"
num_chars += sum(not char.isspace() for char in file_contents_lines[end_line])
end_line += 1
if num_chars > num_non_whitespace_chars - max_char_diff:
if not potential_choices and needle.count("\n") > 30:
ratio = fuzz.QRatio(
score_cutoff=threshold - 20,
if ratio == 0:
if not potential_choices:
# This can deadlock somehow
results = process.extract(
processor=tokenize_code if tokenized else None,
for _choice, score, index in results:
if score >= threshold:
best_matches.append((score, (potential_choices[index], start_line, end_lines[index])))
best_matches = sorted(best_matches, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)[:num_matches]
deduped_best_matches = []
covered_spans = set()
for score, (match, start_line, end_line) in best_matches:
if set(range(start_line, end_line)) & covered_spans:
covered_spans |= set(range(start_line, end_line))
deduped_best_matches.append((match.strip("\n"), score))
return deduped_best_matches[:num_matches]
def find_best_match(*args, **kwargs):
results = find_best_matches(*args, **kwargs, num_matches=1)
return results[0] if len(results) > 0 else ("", 0)
def find_max_indentation(needle: str):
max_indent = 0
for line in needle.splitlines():
if len(line) == 0:
max_indent = max(max_indent, len(line) - len(line.lstrip()))
return max_indent
def find_smallest_valid_superspan(needle: str, haystack: str):
# assumption: needle is a contiguous block of code in the haystack
# we want to find the smallest subspan of the haystack that contains the needle that has valid parentheses
# can generalize to nodes of a tree instead, could be more language agnostic
if needle not in haystack:
return ""
stack = []
opposite_parentheses = {")": "(", "}": "{", "]": "[", "(": ")", "{": "}", "[": "]"}
for char in needle:
if char in opposite_parentheses:
if stack and stack[-1] == opposite_parentheses[char]:
starting_index = haystack.index(needle)
ending_index = starting_index + len(needle)
for i, char in enumerate(haystack[ending_index:]):
if char in opposite_parentheses:
if stack and stack[-1] == opposite_parentheses[char]:
if not stack:
return haystack[starting_index:ending_index + i + 1]
return ""
def contains_ignoring_whitespace(needle: str, haystack: str):
needle = "\n".join([line.rstrip() for line in needle.splitlines()])
haystack = "\n".join([line.rstrip() for line in haystack.splitlines()])
max_indent = find_max_indentation(needle)
for indent_size in range(0, max_indent + 2, 2):
indented_needle = indent(needle, indent_size)
if indented_needle in haystack:
start_char = haystack.index(indented_needle)
start_line = haystack[:start_char].count("\n")
end_line = start_line + indented_needle.count("\n") + 1
return start_line, end_line
return False
MODEL = "claude-3-haiku-20240307"
SLOW_MODEL = "claude-3-opus-20240229" # try haiku
def validate_and_parse_function_call(
function_calls_string: str, chat_gpt: ChatGPT
) -> AnthropicFunctionCall:
function_calls = parse_function_calls(
function_calls_string.strip("\n") + "\n</function_call>"
if len(function_calls) > 0:
function_calls[0] = AnthropicFunctionCall(
if "<function_call>" in function_calls_string:
chat_gpt.messages[-1].content = (
chat_gpt.messages[-1].content.rstrip("\n") + "\n</function_call>"
return function_calls[0] if len(function_calls) > 0 else None
def create_user_message( # TODO: has non-deterministic behavior
fcrs: list[FileChangeRequest],
request: str,
cloned_repo: ClonedRepo,
relevant_filepaths: list[str] = None,
modify_files_dict: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = None
) -> str:
current_fcr_index = (
[i for i, fcr in enumerate(fcrs) if not fcr.is_completed][0]
if any(not fcr.is_completed for fcr in fcrs)
else 0
combined_request_unformatted = "{relevant_files}# Plan of Code Changes\n\nIn order to solve the user's request you will need to modify or create {files_to_modify_list}.{completed_prompt} Here are the instructions for the edits you need to make:\n\n<files_to_change>\n{files_to_modify}\n</files_to_change>"
completed_prompt = "" if current_fcr_index == 0 else f" You have already completed {current_fcr_index} of the {len(fcrs)} required changes."
if modify_files_dict:
combined_request_unformatted += "\nThe above files reflect the latest updates you have already made. READ THROUGH THEM CAREFULLY TO FIGURE OUT WHAT YOUR NEXT STEPS ARE. Call the make_change, create_file or submit_task tools."
files_to_modify_string = ""
files_to_modify_messages = {fcr.filename: "" for fcr in fcrs}
for i, fcr in enumerate(fcrs):
# first add the instructions to the user message
if i < current_fcr_index: # already done
files_to_modify_messages[fcr.filename] += f"\n\nYou have already {past_tense_mapping[fcr.change_type]} {fcr.filename}, where the specific instructions were to:\n\n{fcr.instructions}"
elif i == current_fcr_index:
files_to_modify_messages[fcr.filename] += f"\n\nYour current task is to {fcr.change_type} {fcr.filename}. The specific instructions to do so are listed below:\n\n{fcr.instructions}"
files_to_modify_messages[fcr.filename] += f"\n\nYou will later need to {fcr.change_type} {fcr.filename}. The specific instructions to do so are listed below:\n\n{fcr.instructions}"
# now add the contents of the file to the user message
# only add the contents if this is the last fcr for the filename
last_occurence = i
# loop from current index to end of fcrs to see if this fcr is the last time the filename shows up
for j in range(i + 1, len(fcrs)):
if fcrs[j].filename == fcr.filename:
last_occurence = j
if last_occurence == i:
if fcr.change_type == "modify":
if not modify_files_dict:
files_to_modify_messages[fcr.filename] += f"\n\n<file_to_modify filename=\"{fcr.filename}\">\n{cloned_repo.get_file_contents(file_path=fcr.filename)}\n</file_to_modify>"
else: # show the latest contents of the file
latest_file_contents = get_latest_contents(fcr.filename, cloned_repo, modify_files_dict)
files_to_modify_messages[fcr.filename] += f"\n\n<file_to_modify filename=\"{fcr.filename}\">\n{latest_file_contents}\n</file_to_modify>"
elif fcr.change_type == "create":
files_to_modify_messages[fcr.filename] += f"\n<file_to_create filename=\"{fcr.filename}\">\n{fcr.instructions}\n</file_to_create>"
# now we combine the messages into a single string
already_added_files = set([])
for fcr in fcrs[::-1]:
if fcr.filename in already_added_files:
files_to_modify_string += files_to_modify_messages[fcr.filename]
deduped_file_names = []
for fcr in fcrs:
if fcr.filename not in deduped_file_names:
combined_request_message = combined_request_unformatted \
.replace("{files_to_modify}", files_to_modify_string.lstrip('\n')) \
.replace("{files_to_modify_list}", english_join(deduped_file_names)) \
.replace("{completed_prompt}", completed_prompt)
precomputed_file_list = cloned_repo.get_file_list()
if relevant_filepaths:
relevant_file_paths_string = ""
for relevant_file_path in relevant_filepaths:
if relevant_file_path not in precomputed_file_list:
logger.warning(f"Relevant file path {relevant_file_path} not found in cloned repo.") # the relevant file paths aren't well formatted, so we get some issues here
if relevant_file_path in [fcr.filename for fcr in fcrs]:
logger.warning(f"Relevant file path {relevant_file_path} is already in the list of files to modify.")
relevant_file_paths_string += f"\n\n<relevant_module filename=\"{relevant_file_path}\">\n{cloned_repo.get_file_contents(file_path=relevant_file_path)}\n</relevant_module>"
relevant_file_paths_string = f"<relevant_files>\n{relevant_file_paths_string}\n</relevant_files>"
combined_request_message = combined_request_message.replace("{relevant_files}", f'\nHere are some relevant modules, such as useful helper functions for resolving this issue. You likely will not need to edit these modules but may need to import them or understand their usage interface: {relevant_file_paths_string}\n')
combined_request_message = combined_request_message.replace("{relevant_files}", "")
user_message = f"<user_request>\n{request}\n</user_request>\n{combined_request_message}"
return user_message
# find out if any changes were made by matching the contents of the files
def changes_made(modify_files_dict: dict[str, dict[str, str]], previous_modify_files_dict) -> bool:
# check if there are any changes made
for file_name, file_data in modify_files_dict.items():
if file_name not in previous_modify_files_dict:
if file_data['contents'] != file_data["original_contents"]:
return True
if file_data['contents'] != previous_modify_files_dict[file_name]['contents']:
return True
return False
past_tense_mapping = {
"modify": "modified",
"create": "created",
# Magic
def ordinal(n: int):
return "%d%s" % (n,"tsnrhtdd"[(n//10%10!=1)*(n%10<4)*n%10::4]) # noqa
def render_plan(fcrs: list[FileChangeRequest]) -> str:
current_fcr_index = (
[i for i, fcr in enumerate(fcrs) if not fcr.is_completed][0]
if any(not fcr.is_completed for fcr in fcrs)
else 0
plan = f"You have {len(fcrs)} changes to make and you are currently working on the {ordinal(current_fcr_index + 1)} task."
for i, fcr in enumerate(fcrs):
if i < current_fcr_index:
plan += f"\n\nTask {i}: You have previously {past_tense_mapping[fcr.change_type]} {fcr.filename}, where you were asked to:\n\n{fcr.instructions}"
elif i == current_fcr_index:
plan += f"\n\nTask {i}: Your CURRENT TASK is to {fcr.change_type} {fcr.filename}. The specific instructions to do so are listed below:\n\n{fcr.instructions}"
plan += f"\n\nTask {i}: You will later need to {fcr.change_type} {fcr.filename}. The specific instructions to do so are listed below:\n\n{fcr.instructions}"
return plan.strip('\n')
# get current task being worked on
def get_current_task_index(fcrs: list[FileChangeRequest]) -> str:
current_fcr_index = 0
for current_fcr_index, fcr in enumerate(fcrs):
if not fcr.is_completed:
return current_fcr_index
def render_current_task(fcrs: list[FileChangeRequest]) -> str:
current_fcr_index = 0
for current_fcr_index, fcr in enumerate(fcrs):
if not fcr.is_completed:
fcr = fcrs[current_fcr_index]
return f"The CURRENT TASK is to {fcr.change_type} {fcr.filename}. The specific instructions to do so are listed below:\n\n<current_task>\n{fcr.instructions}\n</current_task>"
# return replaces per fcr, -1 if there are any issues
def get_replaces_per_fcr(fcr: FileChangeRequest) -> int:
if fcr.change_type == "create":
return 1
original_code_pattern = r"<original_code(?: file_path=\".*?\")?(?: index=\"\d+\")?>(.*?)</original_code>"
new_code_pattern = r"<new_code(?: file_path=\".*?\")?(?: index=\"\d+\")?>(.*?)</new_code>"
original_code_matches = list(re.finditer(original_code_pattern, fcr.instructions, re.DOTALL))
new_code_matches = list(re.finditer(new_code_pattern, fcr.instructions, re.DOTALL))
if len(original_code_matches) != len(new_code_matches):
logger.error(f"Mismatched old/new code sections in fcr! {len(original_code_matches)} to {len(new_code_matches)}")
return -1
return len(original_code_matches)
# returns the old/new code change as a function call
def compile_fcr(fcr: FileChangeRequest, index: int) -> str:
# justification is wrong, fix this later!
parsed_fcr = parse_fcr(fcr)
if fcr.change_type == "create":
if not parsed_fcr["new_code"]:
return ""
if not parsed_fcr["original_code"] and fcr.change_type == "modify":
return ""
if parsed_fcr["original_code"] == parsed_fcr["new_code"]:
return ""
if parsed_fcr["replace_all"]:
flags = "\n<replace_all>true</replace_all>"
flags = ""
return DEFAULT_FUNCTION_CALL.format(justification=parsed_fcr["justification"], file_path=parsed_fcr["file_path"], original_code=parsed_fcr["original_code"][index], new_code=parsed_fcr["new_code"][index], flags=flags)
# return the number of tasks completed
def tasks_completed(fcrs: list[FileChangeRequest]):
return sum(bool(fcr.is_completed)
for fcr in fcrs)
def generate_diffs(modify_files_dict: dict[str, dict[str, str]]) -> dict[str, str]:
changes_made = False
for file_data in modify_files_dict.values():
new_contents = file_data["contents"]
original_contents = file_data["original_contents"]
diff = generate_diff(original_contents, new_contents)
if diff:
changes_made = True
return changes_made
def generate_diff_string(modify_files_dict: dict[str, dict[str, str]]) -> dict[str, str]:
diff_string = ""
for file_name, file_data in modify_files_dict.items():
new_contents = file_data["contents"]
original_contents = file_data["original_contents"]
diff_string += f"{file_name}\n{generate_diff(original_contents, new_contents)}\n"
return diff_string
def create_tool_call_response(tool_name: str, tool_call_response_contents: str) -> str:
return f"<function_results>\n<result>\n<tool_name>{tool_name}<tool_name>\n<stdout>\n{tool_call_response_contents}\n</stdout>\n</result>\n</function_results>"
def get_latest_contents(file_name: str, cloned_repo: ClonedRepo, modify_files_dict: dict) -> str:
if file_name in modify_files_dict and "contents" in modify_files_dict[file_name]:
return modify_files_dict[file_name]["contents"]
elif file_name in cloned_repo.get_file_list():
return cloned_repo.get_file_contents(file_name)
return ""
def get_surrounding_lines(file_contents: str, best_match: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
best_match_index = file_contents.find(best_match)
surrounding_lines_before = "\n"
surrounding_lines_after = ""
if best_match_index != -1:
# OPUS START - this is a hacky way to get the surrounding lines, doesn't handle inline \n
# Find the index of the fifth \n before the best_match_index
best_match_start = max(0, file_contents.rfind("\n", 0, best_match_index))
for _ in range(NUM_LINES_SURROUNDING - 1):
best_match_start = max(0, file_contents.rfind("\n", 0, best_match_start))
# Find the index of the fifth \n after the best_match_index
best_match_end = best_match_index + len(best_match)
for _ in range(NUM_LINES_SURROUNDING * 2): # 2x the number of lines surrounding after for now
best_match_end = file_contents.find("\n", best_match_end + 1)
if best_match_end == -1:
best_match_end = len(file_contents)
surrounding_lines_before = file_contents[best_match_start:best_match_index]
surrounding_lines_after = file_contents[best_match_index:best_match_end]
return surrounding_lines_before, surrounding_lines_after
def check_make_change_tool_call(tool_call, error_message):
for key in ["file_name", "original_code", "new_code"]:
if key not in tool_call:
error_message += f"Missing {key} in tool call. Call the tool again but this time provide the {key}.\n"
if key in ["new_code", "original_code"]:
error_message += "\n\nIt is likely the reason why you have missed these keys is because the original_code block you provided is WAY TOO LARGE and as such you have missed the closing xml tags. REDUCE the original_code block to be under 10 lines of code!"
if not tool_call.get("original_code", "").strip():
return error_message
def validate_indents(original_code, new_code, file_contents, correct_indent, rstrip_original_code):
new_code_lines = new_code.split("\n")
original_code_lines = original_code.split("\n")
if len(original_code_lines) > 1:
new_code = "\n".join(f'{correct_indent * " "}{line}' for line in new_code_lines)
new_code = f'{correct_indent * " "}{new_code.lstrip()}'
if rstrip_original_code:
original_code_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in original_code.split("\n")]
original_code_lines = original_code.split("\n")
if len(original_code_lines) > 1 and (best_span := contains_ignoring_whitespace(original_code, file_contents)):
"""This will match the whitespace from the code file itself"""
start_line, end_line = best_span
original_code = "\n".join(file_contents.split("\n")[start_line:end_line])
original_code = f'{correct_indent * " "}{original_code.lstrip()}'
return original_code, new_code, original_code_lines
def handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state):
current_fcr_index = get_current_task_index(llm_state["fcrs"])
llm_state["completed_changes_per_fcr"][current_fcr_index] += 1
changes_made = generate_diffs(modify_files_dict)
if changes_made:
llm_response = "DONE"
llm_state["done_counter"] += 1
if llm_state["done_counter"] > 3:
llm_response = "DONE"
llm_response = "ERROR\n\nNo changes were made. Please continue working on your task."
for fcr in llm_state["fcrs"]:
if not fcr.is_completed:
fcr.is_completed = True
llm_state["attempt_count"] = 0
llm_state['current_task'] = render_current_task(llm_state["fcrs"]) # rerender the current task
llm_response = f"SUCCESS\n\nThe previous task is now complete. Please move on to the next task. {llm_state['current_task']}"
if all(fcr.is_completed for fcr in llm_state["fcrs"]):
llm_response = "DONE"
llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] = True
llm_state["visited_set"] = set()
return llm_response, llm_state
def handle_create_file(cloned_repo, modify_files_dict, tool_name, tool_call, llm_state) -> tuple[str, dict]:
error_message = "".join(
f"No {key} was provided in the {tool_name} tool call. Call the tool again but this time provide the {key}.\n"
for key in tool_call_parameters[tool_name]
if key not in tool_call
if not error_message:
new_file_name = tool_call["file_name"].strip()
new_file_contents = tool_call["new_code"].strip()
new_file_path = os.path.dirname(new_file_name)
new_file_dir = os.path.join(cloned_repo.repo_dir, new_file_path)
new_full_file_path_with_cwd = os.path.join(cloned_repo.repo_dir, new_file_name)
# ensure file doesn't already exist
if os.path.exists(new_full_file_path_with_cwd):
error_message = f"The file {new_file_name} already exists. Modify this existing file instead of attempting to create a new one!"
# ensure directory is valid
if not os.path.isdir(new_file_dir):
error_message = f"{new_file_path} is not a valid directory. Make sure you have the correct directory path!"
# ensure that the directory of the new full path exists, in case the file name is weird
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(new_full_file_path_with_cwd)):
error_message = f"The directory {new_file_path} does not exist. Make sure the new file you want to create exists within an existing directory!"
# if no issues, create the file by placing it in modify_files_dict
if not error_message:
modify_files_dict[new_file_name] = {"contents": new_file_contents, "original_contents": ""}
current_fcr_index = get_current_task_index(llm_state["fcrs"])
# set contents
if new_file_name not in modify_files_dict:
modify_files_dict[new_file_name] = {
"contents": "",
"original_contents": new_file_contents,
llm_response = f"SUCCESS\n\nThe following changes have been applied:\n\n```diff\n{generate_diff(new_file_contents, new_file_contents, n=25)}\n```\n{self_review_prompt.format(current_task=llm_state['current_task'])}"
modify_files_dict[new_file_name]['contents'] = new_file_contents
llm_response, llm_state = finish_applying_changes(modify_files_dict, llm_state, current_fcr_index)
llm_response = f"ERROR\n\n{error_message}"
return llm_response, modify_files_dict, llm_state
def finish_applying_changes(modify_files_dict, llm_state, current_fcr_index):
if generate_diffs(modify_files_dict): # check if there are any changes made
llm_response = "DONE"
llm_response = "ERROR\n\nNo changes were made. Please continue working on your task."
for fcr in llm_state["fcrs"]:
if not fcr.is_completed:
fcr.is_completed = True
llm_state['current_task'] = render_current_task(llm_state["fcrs"]) # rerender the current task
llm_state["attempt_count"] = 0
llm_response = f"SUCCESS\n\nThe previous task is now complete. Please move on to the next task. {llm_state['current_task']}"
if all(fcr.is_completed for fcr in llm_state["fcrs"]):
llm_response = "DONE"
llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] = True # successful application with no warning message means we can attempt lazy change again
llm_state["completed_changes_per_fcr"][current_fcr_index] += 1
return llm_response, llm_state
def handle_function_call(
cloned_repo: ClonedRepo,
function_call: AnthropicFunctionCall,
modify_files_dict: dict[str, dict[str, str]],
llm_state: dict,
chat_logger_messages: list[dict[str, str]] | None = None,
use_openai: bool = False,
llm_response = ""
tool_name = function_call.function_name
tool_call = function_call.function_parameters
if tool_name == "submit_task" or tool_name == "submit_result":
llm_response, llm_state = handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state)
elif tool_name == "no_tool_call":
llm_response = NO_TOOL_CALL_PROMPT
elif tool_name == "make_change":
error_message = ""
error_message = check_make_change_tool_call(tool_call, error_message)
warning_message = ""
if not error_message:
for _ in range(1): # this is super jank code but it works for now - only for easier error message handling
# ensure the file we are editting exists and is in modify_files_dict
if "file_name" in tool_call:
file_name = tool_call["file_name"].strip()
# if not in codebase or has not been created
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cloned_repo.repo_dir, file_name)) and file_name not in modify_files_dict:
error_message += f"The file {file_name} does not exist. Make sure that you have spelled the file name correctly!\n"
llm_state['initial_check_results'][file_name] = get_check_results(file_name, get_latest_contents(file_name, cloned_repo, modify_files_dict)) # TODO: consider not overriding this when we see the same file twice
original_code = strip_triple_quotes(tool_call["original_code"]).strip("\n")
new_code = rstrip_lines(strip_triple_quotes(tool_call["new_code"]).strip("\n"))
if tool_call.get("append", "false").strip() == "true":
new_code = original_code + "\n\n" + new_code
replace_all = tool_call.get("replace_all", "false").strip() == "true"
# get the latest contents of the file
file_contents = get_latest_contents(file_name, cloned_repo, modify_files_dict)
# if the file is not in modify_files_dict, add it
if file_name not in modify_files_dict:
modify_files_dict[file_name] = {"contents": file_contents, "original_contents": file_contents}
warning_message = ""
# handle special case where there are \r\n characters in the current chunk as this will cause search and replace to ALWAYS fail
if "\r\n" in file_contents:
# replace in current chunk
file_contents = file_contents.replace("\r\n", "\n")
# check to see that the original_code is in the new_code by trying all possible indentations
correct_indent, rstrip_original_code = manual_code_check(file_contents, original_code)
# if the original_code couldn't be found in the chunk we need to let the llm know
if original_code not in file_contents and correct_indent == -1:
if new_code.strip() and contains_ignoring_whitespace(new_code, file_contents): # TODO: this should go after checking if it's in a different file
error_message = "Your original_code was not found in the file but your new_code was found. This is likely because this fix has already been applied. Validate that this requested feature has already been applied. If so, call the submit_task tool."
# TODO: add weighted ratio to the choices, penalize whitespace less
best_match, best_score = find_best_match(original_code, file_contents) # TODO: this should check other files for exact to 90% match
if best_score > 80:
surrounding_lines_before, surrounding_lines_after = get_surrounding_lines(file_contents, best_match)
START_MARKER = "\n===== START =====\n"
END_MARKER = "\n===== END =====\n"
best_indent_score = 0
best_indent = 0
for indentation in range(0, 10):
indented_original_code = indent(original_code, indentation)
score = rapidfuzz.fuzz.ratio(indented_original_code, best_match)
if score > best_indent_score:
best_indent_score = score
best_indent = indentation
first_diff_text = surrounding_lines_before + START_MARKER + indent(original_code, best_indent) + END_MARKER + surrounding_lines_after
second_diff_text = surrounding_lines_before + START_MARKER + best_match + END_MARKER + surrounding_lines_after
best_match_diff = generate_diff(first_diff_text, second_diff_text, n=20) # this is bounded to 14 * 2 lines of context
error_message = f"The original_code provided does not appear to be present in file {file_name}. Your provided original_code contains:\n```\n{tool_call['original_code']}\n```\nDid you mean the following?\n```\n{best_match}\n```\nHere is the difference between the original_code and the most similar existing code from the file, along with its surrounding code:\n```\n{best_match_diff}\n```\n" + DID_YOU_MEAN_PROMPT
# check other files, this code should skip if there are no other files
all_file_contents = list(dict.fromkeys([get_latest_contents(fcr.filename, cloned_repo, modify_files_dict) for fcr in llm_state["fcrs"] if fcr.filename != file_name]))
all_file_names = list(dict.fromkeys([fcr.filename for fcr in llm_state["fcrs"] if fcr.filename != file_name]))
best_matches = [find_best_match(original_code, file_contents) for file_contents in all_file_contents]
for (best_match, best_score), other_file_name in zip(best_matches, all_file_names):
if best_score > 80:
surrounding_lines_before, surrounding_lines_after = get_surrounding_lines(file_contents, best_match)
START_MARKER = "\n===== START =====\n"
END_MARKER = "\n===== END =====\n"
first_diff_text = surrounding_lines_before + START_MARKER + tool_call['original_code'] + END_MARKER + surrounding_lines_after
second_diff_text = surrounding_lines_before + START_MARKER + best_match + END_MARKER + surrounding_lines_after
best_match_diff = generate_diff(first_diff_text, second_diff_text, n=14) # this is bounded to 14 * 2 lines of
if first_diff_text == second_diff_text or best_match_diff.strip() == "":
error_message = f"The original_code provided does not appear to be present in file {file_name}. Your provided original_code contains:\n```\n{tool_call['original_code']}\n```\nThe code was found in {other_file_name}. Call make_changes again with the correct file name."
error_message = f"The original_code provided does not appear to be present in file {file_name}. Your provided original_code contains:\n```\n{tool_call['original_code']}\n```\nDid you mean the {other_file_name} file?\n```\n{best_match}\n```\nHere is the diff and surrounding code:\n```\n{best_match_diff}\n```"
else: # if no other file match was found then return this block
error_message = ORIGINAL_CODE_NOT_FOUND_PROMPT.format(
# print(error_message)
# breakpoint()
# ensure original_code and new_code has the correct indents
original_code, new_code, original_code_lines = validate_indents(original_code, new_code, file_contents, correct_indent, rstrip_original_code)
# before we apply changes make sure original_code is unique inside current_chunk
current_chunk_occurences = file_contents.count(original_code)
if current_chunk_occurences > 1 and not replace_all:
if current_chunk_occurences * len(original_code.split("\n")) < 50:
# We start by setting original_code_lines with indentation fixed. Sometimes the model forgets to indent the first line.
start_line = -1
min_diff = inf
file_contents_lines = file_contents.split("\n")
for index, _line in enumerate(file_contents_lines):
if all(original_line.lstrip() == file_contents_line.lstrip() for original_line, file_contents_line in zip(original_code_lines, file_contents_lines[index:index + len(original_code_lines)])):
# if abs(len(line) - len(first_line)) < min_diff:
current_diff = sum(abs(len(original_line) - len(file_contents_line)) for original_line, file_contents_line in zip(original_code_lines, file_contents_lines[index:index + len(original_code_lines)]))
if current_diff < min_diff:
min_diff = current_diff
start_line = index
if min_diff == 0:
if start_line == -1:
error_message = f"The original_code is not unique to the file `{file_name}`. It appears {current_chunk_occurences} times in the file. If you would like to replace all occurrences, add a `replace_all` parameter set to `true`. Otherwise, for the `original_code` to be valid, it must be unique within the file.\n\n" + MULTIPLE_OCCURRENCES_PROMPT
original_code_lines = file_contents_lines[start_line:start_line + len(original_code_lines)]
# Then we find all the matches and their surrounding lines.
matches = []
surrounding_lines = 10
for i in range(len(file_contents_lines)):
if "\n".join(original_code_lines) == "\n".join(file_contents_lines[i:i + len(original_code_lines)]):
match_ = "\n".join(file_contents_lines[max(0, i - surrounding_lines):i])
match_ += "\n" + "===== START =====" + "\n"
match_ += "\n".join(file_contents_lines[i:i + len(original_code_lines)])
match_ += "\n" + "===== END =====" + "\n"
match_ += "\n".join(file_contents_lines[i + len(original_code_lines):i + len(original_code_lines) + surrounding_lines])
error_message = f"The original_code is not unique to the file `{file_name}`. It appears {current_chunk_occurences} times in the file. If you would like to replace all occurrences, add a `replace_all` parameter set to `true`. Otherwise, for the `original_code` to be valid, it must be unique within the file.\n\nTo resolve this issue, please provide a unique `original_code` by including some surrounding lines for context. Make sure the selected code snippet appears only once in the file. Here are the {current_chunk_occurences} occurences of the `original_code` in the file with their surrounding lines:\n\n" + "\n\n".join([f"Occurrence {i + 1}:\n```\n{match_}\n```" for i, match_ in enumerate(matches)]) + "\n" + MULTIPLE_OCCURRENCES_PROMPT
error_message = f"The original_code is not unique to the file `{file_name}`. It appears {current_chunk_occurences} times in the file. If you would like to replace all occurrences, add a `replace_all` parameter set to `true`. Otherwise, for the `original_code` to be valid, it must be unique within the file.\n\n" + MULTIPLE_OCCURRENCES_PROMPT
if original_code not in file_contents:
new_correct_indent, new_rstrip_original_code = manual_code_check(file_contents, new_code)
if new_correct_indent == -1:
error_message = f"The original_code provided does not appear to be present in file {file_name}. Your provided original_code contains:\n```\n{tool_call['original_code']}\n```\nBut this section of code was not found anywhere inside the current file."
error_message = f"The original_code provided does not appear to be present in file {file_name}. However, the new_code provided is present in the file. If you would like to apply this change, please provide the correct original_code. Otherwise, call submit_task to move on to the next task."
if new_code == original_code:
error_message += "The new_code and original_code are the same. If you are certain this change needs to be made, MAKE SURE that the new_code and original_code are NOT the same."
# apply changes
if replace_all:
new_file_contents = file_contents.replace(original_code, new_code)
new_file_contents = file_contents.replace(original_code, new_code, 1)
# Check if changes were made
if new_file_contents == file_contents:
logger.warning("No changes were made to the code.")
error_message = "No changes were made, it seems the changes you requested were not applied or made no difference to the code file."
# Check if the changes are valid
if not error_message:
is_last_fcr_for_file = False # TODO: check if this is the last fcr for this file
check_results = get_check_results(file_name, new_file_contents, last_fcr_for_file=is_last_fcr_for_file)
check_results_message = check_results.is_worse_than_message(llm_state['initial_check_results'][file_name])
failing_parse = check_results.parse_error_message if not llm_state['initial_check_results'][file_name].parse_error_message else ""
current_diff = generate_diff(
file_contents, new_file_contents, n=10
if failing_parse:
parentheses_message = ""
for parentheses in ["()", "{}", "[]"]:
left, right = parentheses
old_parentheses_diff = original_code.count(left) - original_code.count(right)
new_parentheses_diff = new_code.count(left) - new_code.count(right)
if old_parentheses_diff != new_parentheses_diff:
# handle this logic more precisely
diff_parentheses = abs(old_parentheses_diff - new_parentheses_diff)
parentheses_message = fix_parentheses_prompt.format(
parenthesis=left if old_parentheses_diff < new_parentheses_diff else right,
error_message = f"Error: Invalid code changes have been applied. You requested the following changes:\n\n```diff\n{current_diff}\n```\n\nBut it produces invalid code with the following error logs:\n```\n{failing_parse}\n```\n\n" + parentheses_message or fix_syntax_prompt
# print(error_message)
elif check_results_message:
warning_message = check_results_message
if "undefined variable" in warning_message.lower():
warning_message += "\n\nDouble check that the newly used variables are defined."
if error_message:
llm_response = f"ERROR\n\n{error_message}"
llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] = False
llm_state["attempt_count"] += 1
if llm_state["attempt_count"] > 5:
for fcr in llm_state["fcrs"]:
if not fcr.is_completed:
fcr.is_completed = True
llm_state['current_task'] = render_current_task(llm_state["fcrs"]) # rerender the current task
llm_state["attempt_count"] = 0
llm_response = f"SKIPPED\n\nThe previous task took too many attempts so we gave up. Please move on to the next task. {llm_state['current_task']}"
if all([fcr.is_completed for fcr in llm_state["fcrs"]]):
llm_response = "DONE"
llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] = True # successful application with no warning message means we can attempt lazy change again
if not error_message:
diff_string = generate_diff(file_contents, new_file_contents)
current_fcr_index = get_current_task_index(llm_state["fcrs"])
# set contents
if file_name not in modify_files_dict:
modify_files_dict[file_name] = {
"contents": file_contents,
"original_contents": file_contents,
if warning_message:
original_code_indents = len(original_code) - len(original_code.lstrip())
new_code_indents = len(new_code) - len(new_code.lstrip())
if original_code_indents > new_code_indents:
llm_response = f"SUCCESS\n\nThe following changes have been applied:\n\n```diff\n{generate_diff(file_contents, new_file_contents, n=25)}\n```\nThe code changes also yield the following warnings:\n```\n{warning_message}\n```\n\n{linter_indentation_warning_prompt.format(current_task=llm_state['current_task'])}"
llm_response = f"SUCCESS\n\nThe following changes have been applied:\n\n```diff\n{generate_diff(file_contents, new_file_contents, n=25)}\n```\nThe code changes also yield the following warnings:\n```\n{warning_message}\n```\n\n{linter_warning_prompt.format(current_task=llm_state['current_task'])}"
modify_files_dict[file_name]['contents'] = new_file_contents
llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] = False # no longer attempt lazy change
elif llm_state["completed_changes_per_fcr"][current_fcr_index] + 1 < llm_state["changes_per_fcr"][current_fcr_index]:
# Incomplete changes, should use a different prompt realistically
llm_response = f"SUCCESS\n\nThe following changes have been applied:\n\n```diff\n{generate_diff(file_contents, new_file_contents, n=25)}\n```\n{self_review_prompt.format(current_task=llm_state['current_task'])}"
modify_files_dict[file_name]['contents'] = new_file_contents
llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] = True
llm_state["completed_changes_per_fcr"][current_fcr_index] += 1
elif diff_string.count("\n+") + diff_string.count("\n-") > 20:
llm_response = f"SUCCESS\n\nThe following changes have been applied:\n\n```diff\n{generate_diff(file_contents, new_file_contents, n=25)}\n```\n\n{self_review_prompt.format(current_task=llm_state['current_task'])}"
modify_files_dict[file_name]['contents'] = new_file_contents
llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] = False # no longer attempt lazy change
llm_response = f"SUCCESS\n\nThe following changes have been applied:\n\n```diff\n{generate_diff(file_contents, new_file_contents, n=25)}\n```\n{self_review_prompt.format(current_task=llm_state['current_task'])}"
modify_files_dict[file_name]['contents'] = new_file_contents
llm_response, llm_state = finish_applying_changes(modify_files_dict, llm_state, current_fcr_index)
elif tool_name == "create_file":
llm_response, modify_files_dict, llm_state = handle_create_file(cloned_repo, modify_files_dict, tool_name, tool_call, llm_state)

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

I'm going to follow the following steps to help you solve the GitHub issue:

  1. Add tests for the handle_submit_task function in tests/test_modify_utils.py
  2. Add tests for the handle_create_file function in tests/test_modify_utils.py
  3. Add tests for the finish_applying_changes function in tests/test_modify_utils.py
  4. Add tests for the validate_indents function in tests/test_modify_utils.py

Here are the changes we decided to make. I'm done with the edits and now just need to validate the changes using a linter to catch any mistakes like undefined variables:


Add tests for the handle_submit_task function.
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+    handle_submit_task,


Add tests for the handle_submit_task function.
@@ -35,4 +35,58 @@
     result = validate_and_parse_function_call(function_calls_string, chat_gpt)
-    assert result is None
+    assert result is None
+def test_handle_submit_task():
+    # Test case where changes were made
+    modify_files_dict = {
+        "file1.py": {"contents": "new content", "original_contents": "old content"}
+    }
+    llm_state = {
+        "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False), MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+        "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+        "done_counter": 0,
+        "attempt_count": 0,
+        "current_task": "original task",
+    }
+    llm_response, updated_llm_state = handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state)
+    assert llm_response == "SUCCESS\n\nThe previous task is now complete. Please move on to the next task. original task"
+    assert updated_llm_state["fcrs"][0].is_completed == True
+    assert updated_llm_state["attempt_count"] == 0
+    assert updated_llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] == True
+    assert updated_llm_state["visited_set"] == set()
+    # Test case where no changes were made
+    modify_files_dict = {
+        "file1.py": {"contents": "same content", "original_contents": "same content"}
+    }
+    llm_state = {
+        "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False), MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+        "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+        "done_counter": 0,
+        "attempt_count": 0,
+        "current_task": "original task",
+    }
+    llm_response, updated_llm_state = handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state)
+    assert llm_response == "ERROR\n\nNo changes were made. Please continue working on your task."
+    assert updated_llm_state["done_counter"] == 1
+    # Test case where all tasks are completed
+    modify_files_dict = {
+        "file1.py": {"contents": "new content", "original_contents": "old content"}
+    }
+    llm_state = {
+        "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=True), MagicMock(is_completed=True)],
+        "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+        "done_counter": 0,
+        "attempt_count": 0,
+        "current_task": "original task",
+    }
+    llm_response, updated_llm_state = handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state)
+    assert llm_response == "DONE"


Add tests for the handle_submit_task function.
@@ -36,4 +36,58 @@
         result = validate_and_parse_function_call(function_calls_string, chat_gpt)
-        assert result is None
+        assert result is None
+    def test_handle_submit_task(self):
+        # Test case where changes were made
+        modify_files_dict = {
+            "file1.py": {"contents": "new content", "original_contents": "old content"}
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False), MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+            "done_counter": 0,
+            "attempt_count": 0,
+            "current_task": "original task",
+        }
+        llm_response, updated_llm_state = handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state)
+        assert llm_response == "SUCCESS\n\nThe previous task is now complete. Please move on to the next task. original task"
+        assert updated_llm_state["fcrs"][0].is_completed == True
+        assert updated_llm_state["attempt_count"] == 0
+        assert updated_llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] == True
+        assert updated_llm_state["visited_set"] == set()
+        # Test case where no changes were made
+        modify_files_dict = {
+            "file1.py": {"contents": "same content", "original_contents": "same content"}
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False), MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+            "done_counter": 0,
+            "attempt_count": 0,
+            "current_task": "original task",
+        }
+        llm_response, updated_llm_state = handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state)
+        assert llm_response == "ERROR\n\nNo changes were made. Please continue working on your task."
+        assert updated_llm_state["done_counter"] == 1
+        # Test case where all tasks are completed
+        modify_files_dict = {
+            "file1.py": {"contents": "new content", "original_contents": "old content"}
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=True), MagicMock(is_completed=True)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+            "done_counter": 0,
+            "attempt_count": 0,
+            "current_task": "original task",
+        }
+        llm_response, updated_llm_state = handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state)
+        assert llm_response == "DONE"


Add tests for the handle_create_file function.
@@ -51,4 +51,70 @@
         llm_response, updated_llm_state = handle_submit_task(modify_files_dict, llm_state)
-        assert llm_response == "DONE"
+        assert llm_response == "DONE"
+    def test_handle_create_file(self):
+        # Test case where file is created successfully
+        cloned_repo = MagicMock()
+        cloned_repo.repo_dir = "/path/to/repo"
+        modify_files_dict = {}
+        tool_name = "create_file"
+        tool_call = {
+            "file_name": "new_file.py",
+            "new_code": "def new_function():\n    pass",
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0],
+        }
+        llm_response, updated_modify_files_dict, updated_llm_state = handle_create_file(
+            cloned_repo, modify_files_dict, tool_name, tool_call, llm_state
+        )
+        assert llm_response.startswith("SUCCESS")
+        assert "new_file.py" in updated_modify_files_dict
+        assert updated_modify_files_dict["new_file.py"]["contents"] == "def new_function():\n    pass"
+        assert updated_llm_state["fcrs"][0].is_completed == True
+        # Test case where file already exists
+        cloned_repo = MagicMock()
+        cloned_repo.repo_dir = "/path/to/repo"
+        modify_files_dict = {"existing_file.py": {"contents": "", "original_contents": ""}}
+        tool_name = "create_file"
+        tool_call = {
+            "file_name": "existing_file.py",
+            "new_code": "def new_function():\n    pass",
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0],
+        }
+        llm_response, updated_modify_files_dict, updated_llm_state = handle_create_file(
+            cloned_repo, modify_files_dict, tool_name, tool_call, llm_state
+        )
+        assert llm_response.startswith("ERROR")
+        assert "existing_file.py already exists" in llm_response
+        # Test case where directory is invalid
+        cloned_repo = MagicMock()
+        cloned_repo.repo_dir = "/path/to/repo"
+        modify_files_dict = {}
+        tool_name = "create_file"
+        tool_call = {
+            "file_name": "invalid/dir/new_file.py",
+            "new_code": "def new_function():\n    pass",
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0],
+        }
+        llm_response, updated_modify_files_dict, updated_llm_state = handle_create_file(
+            cloned_repo, modify_files_dict, tool_name, tool_call, llm_state
+        )
+        assert llm_response.startswith("ERROR")
+        assert "is not a valid directory" in llm_response


Add tests for the finish_applying_changes function.
@@ -63,4 +63,64 @@
         assert llm_response.startswith("ERROR")
-        assert "is not a valid directory" in llm_response
+        assert "is not a valid directory" in llm_response
+    def test_finish_applying_changes(self):
+        # Test case where changes were made
+        modify_files_dict = {
+            "file1.py": {"contents": "new content", "original_contents": "old content"}
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False), MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+            "current_task": "original task",
+            "attempt_count": 0,
+        }
+        current_fcr_index = 0
+        llm_response, updated_llm_state = finish_applying_changes(
+            modify_files_dict, llm_state, current_fcr_index
+        )
+        assert llm_response == "SUCCESS\n\nThe previous task is now complete. Please move on to the next task. original task"
+        assert updated_llm_state["fcrs"][0].is_completed == True
+        assert updated_llm_state["attempt_count"] == 0
+        assert updated_llm_state["attempt_lazy_change"] == True
+        assert updated_llm_state["completed_changes_per_fcr"][0] == 1
+        # Test case where no changes were made
+        modify_files_dict = {
+            "file1.py": {"contents": "same content", "original_contents": "same content"}
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=False), MagicMock(is_completed=False)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+            "current_task": "original task",
+            "attempt_count": 0,
+        }
+        current_fcr_index = 0
+        llm_response, updated_llm_state = finish_applying_changes(
+            modify_files_dict, llm_state, current_fcr_index
+        )
+        assert llm_response == "ERROR\n\nNo changes were made. Please continue working on your task."
+        assert updated_llm_state["fcrs"][0].is_completed == True
+        # Test case where all tasks are completed
+        modify_files_dict = {
+            "file1.py": {"contents": "new content", "original_contents": "old content"}
+        }
+        llm_state = {
+            "fcrs": [MagicMock(is_completed=True), MagicMock(is_completed=True)],
+            "completed_changes_per_fcr": [0, 0],
+            "current_task": "original task",
+            "attempt_count": 0,
+        }
+        current_fcr_index = 1
+        llm_response, updated_llm_state = finish_applying_changes(
+            modify_files_dict, llm_state, current_fcr_index
+        )
+        assert llm_response == "DONE"

Step 3: 🔄️ Validating

Your changes have been successfully made to the branch sweep/extend_teststest_modify_utilspy. I have validated these changes using a syntax checker and a linter.


To recreate the pull request, edit the issue title or description.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.