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BDD Mobile Test Framework - Appium, Cucumber, Ruby

1.0 Prerequisites

  • You're using a MAC.
  • Android SDK downloaded*

*Android SDK can be downloaded from https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html. Minimum requirement is the .zip under SDK Tools Only, but you can install the Android Studio bundle if you like.

2.0 Setup your environment

Note: This assumes you're starting from scratch on a new MAC. Steps may/may not be required or may need to be altered if you already have a development environment set up.

2.1 Install brew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew doctor

2.2 Install ruby 2.1.1

Note: You can install ruby 2.1.1 however you like, as long as that is the version of ruby that is used when running the tests. One of the most common methods is to use RVM, however the method shown here works just as well.

brew install chruby
brew install ruby-build
ruby-build 2.1.1 ~/.rubies/2.1.1

2.3 Set up your bash_profile

Make sure you're in your Home directory

cd ~

Create your bash profile (unnecessary step if you already have one, check first by running ls -lA)

touch .bash_profile

Open the bash profile

open .bash_profile

Add the following to your bash profile. This will set your terminal to use Ruby 2.1.1 by default.

source /usr/local/opt/chruby/share/chruby/chruby.sh
source /usr/local/opt/chruby/share/chruby/auto.sh
chruby 2.1.1

Also add the location of your copy of the Android SDK to the bash profile. e.g.

export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/Umar/development/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321/sdk"

Save the file, then completely kill then re-open the Terminal.

Check that the default version is 2.1.1

ruby -v

2.4 Set up your PATH

Open your PATH

sudo pico /etc/paths

Add the following '[android sdk location]' should be replaced by the full path of your local Android SDK

[android sdk location]/build-tools
[android sdk location]/platform-tools
[android sdk location]/tools

2.5 Install appium

This will install the command line version of appium. If you want, you can download the GUI version from the appium website (comes in very useful for getting XPATH of elements from iOS apps). At the time of writing, the framework and dependencies work with Appium version 1.4.0

brew install node
npm install -g appium@1.5.0
npm install wd

2.6 The project and dependencies

Setup your ssh keys: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/

Clone the framework

git clone https://github.com/wikipedia.git

Navigate to the framework directoy

example the app is in wikipedia directory cd wikipedia

Install bundler and the gems the framework is dependent on

gem install bundler

2.7 Potential setup problems

  • Nokogiri - if during the 'bundle install' step in section 2.6, you encounter a problem with xcode and Nokogiri, run the following command xcode-select --install

3.0 Running tests


  • The Appium server should be running, either from terminal appium or GUI.
  • Build should be in the directory,

Then run app using command in terminal

bundle exec cucumber -p default --tags @android

with in cucumber.yml,I've added @android tag for default

when executing scripts in feature file it will look for tag with @android and execute only those sceanarios I've added @android tag for features files to execute and added profile to cucmber.yml

Between every scenarios,have added reset the data in cucumber.yml so when running the app it will delete and restart app for every scenarios.

Driver.rb file,for capabilities

'app' => '/Users/sna15/wikipedia/wikipedia-2.4.160-releasesprod-2016-10-14.apk',(give the app path where the apk is stored. 'udid' => '9a97b94f'(this is device id to provide so the test execution will process) simply you get device id by running the command 'adb devices'

cucumber.yml -for deafult profile added the following

default: -t @android RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS=1 -f html -o execution_result.html SCREEN_SHOT=false TAB=false --format progress

--format progress -is it run thge sceanrios and shows number of test passed and failed please check test_report.pngin project directory



Language:HTML 82.9%Language:Ruby 16.3%Language:Gherkin 0.8%