swcarpentry / git-novice

Version Control with Git

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Episode time allotment is inaccurate

maneesha opened this issue · comments

What is the problem?

Across the git novice lesson, the time alloted for various episodes seems quite wrong. For example, the setting up git and ignoring things lessons each say they take 5 minutes.

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Please feel free to suggest updated times for those particular episodes (for only the lesson content, not any additional challenges)

We skipped the "ignoring things" today, with just a few minutes explaining that git could ignore things, and a brief interactive discussion about why you might want that (some relevant suggestions from the room). I would guess it takes more like 10mins as scripted - @maneesha do you have a better estimate?

I have not taught this often enough to be sure of what a better time allotment would be, but I think 5 minutes seems much too short a time to explain that git can ignore things, demonstrate how to set up a .gitignore file, demonstrate how to override .gitignore, and set up patterns/rules for ignored files. I would defer to the experience of Instructors who have taught this more often and the experience of learners who have tried to take this all in.

This is unfortunately a general problem of many Carpentries lessons. Feedback from people who actually taught recently is welcome.