swannodette / textmate-clojure

TextMate bundle for Clojure

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cake repl in Terminal requires new in-ns to see changes made in TextMate

lspector opened this issue · comments

I create a project with "cake new foo", edit the project.clj file to include clojure-contrib, open the automatically generated core.clj file and add some code (just creating a var with a def for now). Do command-R to start cake from within TextMate, then in Terminal cd into the project directory, do "cake repl", and then in-ns into the right namespace. At this point I can type the var to the repl and it evaluates appropriately, giving the value from the def that I typed into core.clj in TextMate. Hooray, that all looks good. BUT, now I add another var definition to core.clj and evaluate it in TextMate (either by shift-command-L to load the file or shift-command-X to evaluate a highlighted expression) and on the TextMate side everything looks fine (I get a success message). But back in Terminal typing the new var in the REPL produces a "java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol" error. If I re-do the in-ns and then retype the new var then all is good -- I get the value as expected. But I have to re-do the in-ns to get it. The screencast (http://blip.tv/file/4160578) shows this working WITHOUT re-doing the in-ns. Why doesn't that work for me?

+1, I'm seeing this as well. Any updates on this particular issue? Loving cake, by the way. I'm a recent convert. (I'm seeing the problem on projects created with cake and with leiningen -- I'm using 0.60, and find exactly this to be the case on multiple machines.)