swannodette / mies

Minimal ClojureScript project template

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scripts/brepl does not want to connect

jdeisenberg opened this issue · comments

Created a new project with latest version of mies template. Uncommented the line:
(repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl")

Then did this in a terminal window:

[david@localhost testor]$ scripts/brepl
Compiling client js ...
Waiting for browser to connect ...
To quit, type: :cljs/quit

Went into the browser to http://localhost:9000 and the index.html page came up, but the terminal window did not give me a browser REPL prompt. What am I doing wrong? (I also notice that lein-cljsbuild is no longer part of mies's universe)

Which version are you using, the one in Clojars ? In that one, 0.5.3, you need lein-cljsbuild auto running to get the brepl. I had the same issue when I was using the Clojars version but reading the new README from this repo. It might be that.

Yes, that seems to be the solution. I was using mies 0.6.0, IIRC.