svg-sprite / svg-sprite

SVG sprites & stacks galore — A low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types along with suitable stylesheet resources (e.g. CSS, Sass, LESS, Stylus, etc.)

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Bug: Spriter's Shape Transform Method Only Running First Transformation in shape.transform Array

babs20 opened this issue · comments

Repo with minimum reproduction:

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Use the Spriter configuration below
  2. Add SVG files to spriter instance
  3. Run the compile method on the spriter
  4. You will see that the output log only shows the optimization, but not the console.log in the second transformation. Also, if you inspect the output SVG you will see the custom transformations were not applied.

Expected Behavior:
SVGO optimizes shape, then my custom transformation runs on the shape.

Actual Behavior:
Whichever transformation comes first in the shape.transform array is run on the shape, but the subsequent transformations are not run.


  • This works with svg-sprite@1.5.4, but is broken in svg-sprite@^2
  • I did a little digging into the source code and found that both transformations were being added to the async.waterfall correctly in Spriter._transformShape but, the second transformation function was not being called for some reason.
  • I tried node@12, node@14, node@16, and node@18
  • I am using Windows 11

Here is an example of my spriter config.

const spriter = new SVGSpriter({
  dest: "",
  shape: {
    dimension: {
      maxWidth: 100,
      maxHeight: 100,
      precision: 2,
      attributes: false,
    dest: "",
    transform: [
        custom: (shape, sprite, callback) => {
          console.log("2nd Transformation");
          const svgEl = shape.dom.getElementsByTagName("svg");
          const paths = shape.dom.getElementsByTagName("path");

          for (let i = 0; i < svgEl.length; i++) {

          for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
            paths[i].setAttribute("fill", "");

  expand: true,
  cwd: "sourceimages/sourceimages/svg",
  src: ["**/*.svg"],
  mode: {
    symbol: {
      bust: false,
      prefix: ".icon-%s",
      render: {
        scss: false,
        css: false,
      example: true,
  log: "debug",

I'm seeing the same 👍

Any PR fixing this with a test case would be perfect :)