svenstaro / rofi-calc

🖩 Do live calculations in rofi!

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Change color of result

Tiv0w opened this issue · comments


First a big thanks for rofi-calc, I use it all the time!

I'm using pywal to automate theming of my machine, but I encounter a serious problem with rofi-calc: the result part is always black.

This is an issue since most of my color schemes are somewhat dark, or at least my rofi theme is dark, so I can't really see the result.

result very hard to see in the screenshot

I tried to tweak multiple colors in my rofi theme, no luck.
I took a look in the source of rofi-calc, but I can't find where the color of the output is controlled, nor the css id of the result...

So my question is: is there anything related to the color configuration in rofi-calc? If not, how can I access the result from rofi?

Hm weird. I don't really have time to investigate right now but feel free to poke the code a bit. I don't really do much magic on top of rofi in terms of styling so things that work for rofi should in theory also work for rofi-calc.

Hello, I would like to know about the styling of rofi-calc too. I want to set the margin of the "Result" row, but I cannot find the element it used.

Uhh I think my config might answer @Tiv0w question. Here is my config of rofi: config

I have messing around with rofi config, but I still cannot find how to style the "Result" row specifically (I use global selector for the color)

You just need to set a default text-color in the global part of your theme file, so something like:

* {
    text-color: #18619e;

I experimented a little bit and found out, that the rofi-calc is using the message element. Sample config:

configuration {

  calc {
    display-name: "";


* {
    background:       #343944;
    text:             #dddddd;
    selected:         #e25252;

    background-color: rgba ( 0, 0, 0, 0 % );
    font:             "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Medium 18";
    text-color:       var(text);
window {
    background-color: var(background);
    width:            120ch;
    border-radius:    5px;

listview {
    lines: 0;

inputbar {
    padding:    3ch 3ch 3ch 3ch;
    children:   [ prompt, entry ];

entry {
    placeholder-color: var(text);
    text-color:        var(text);
    placeholder:       "";
    cursor:            text;

message {
  border: 2px 0 0 0;
  border-color: var(selected);
  padding: 1.5ch 3ch 1.5ch 3ch;
  vertical-align: 0.5;

I have tweaked the command a little bit too:

rofi -modi calc -show calc -kb-accept-custom Return -kb-accept-entry KP_Enter -no-history -no-persist-history -calc-command "echo -n '{result}' | xclip -selection clipboard" -theme ~/.config/rofi/arc-dark-calc.rasi

NOTE: This config is tested on a 4k monitor, so you might get a different result, I haven't tested it somewhere else.

I'm closing this issue for now as it seems fixed in the sense that there's a config that'll get OP what's desired. I'd be totally happy about someone adding a note for this to the README if someone wants to do that.