svenstaro / derp

The derp game engine in D

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Windows Support

Zoadian opened this issue · comments

do we support windows yet?
i know 3 people who want to test derp, but don't want to install linux.

(i'm stll on the project btw, just no spare time atm)

Technically yes but it is rather uncomfortable to build due to Windows lacking all kinds of standard utils by default. Do you have any suggestion on how to remedy that? We need make and a bunch of other tools and the minimal implementations by Digital Mars don't cut it. In fact, building on Windows always sucks, even if not in D land.

The problem is also building all our deps properly and automatically on Windows. Perhaps our build system should just build them all manually. This way we can have a build system directly in D.

We should consider switching to CMakeD. I found it very useful on linux, haven't tried it on Windows, but it should do the same, shouldn't it. I only wonder for what IDE it would create project files on Windows. Does MSVS support D yet?

there is a plugin 'visual D' for msvs. but mono-d is much better.

Then I will try to configure CMakeD in a branch. Are you available for testing?

sure. i have msvs and monodev installed and will test it as soon as possible. if i rememer correctly monodevelop should also be able to open msvs project files.

i can't get it to work in windows. and i have no idea what i am doing wrong (
also: on linux it does not update/compile git submodules. but it works there.

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nicht m�glich

Sounds like that obj is crap. Can you check with us on IRC?

ok now i made a clean install of win8. und have 2 partitions left for a linux, incase i can't get it to work on win8.