svenstaro / derp

The derp game engine in D

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Fix shader on Catalyst Drivers

djdduty opened this issue · comments

Currently herpderp will not run on my system with Catalyst for driver, Catalyst returns the message "Failed to compile shader" when I try to run herpderp while trying to use the fragment shader.

Sadly no one else on the team uses catalyst. It would be good to get derp running on Windows and test the ATI drivers on that.

currently on intel i5 integrated graphics card, and it works.
i'll try to install fglrx and test it.

i915 and nvidia drivers work fine here. opatut is on r600g and that works as well. fglrx really is the only problem it seems.

Do you get any more information than just "failed to compile shader"? Any shader compiler output, like an unsupported GLSL version?

No, I don't get any of that, I will pastebin the output when I get home, driving right now. Also I have already taken my shot at taking out the deprecated stuff in the shaders, didn't work