svegalopez / hermit-client

A template for creating Hermit apps

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Hermit Client

Hermit is seen here chilling at the Biscayne Bay in Miami, FL.

A "create-react-app" based application stack that integrates various developer friendly tools like:

  • Typescript
  • Cypress
  • React Hooks
  • Apollo Client

Run locally

To run locally, set the desired config using the .env file at the root. Use the .env.sample as a guide. You can develop against the deployed staging environment, or run a local Hermit Server, in which case you would have to set REACT_APP_HERMIT_HOST=http://localhost:4000 (or whatever port Hermit Server is listening to).

Typescript + Apollo

All data types that Hermit Client consumes are auto generated server-side using graphql codegen. That means that you can type all queries and mutations like so:

    useMutation<MutationResult, MutationVariables>(...);

Where SomeType, MutationResult, and MutationVariables are types imported from src/types.d.ts. These types are currently being synced manually, but the process is simple. Simply copy the generated types from Hermit Server, found here and paste them at src/types.d.ts. If a feature is being developed at the same time (server logic does not exist prior) then communication between developers is needed in order to sync the types. Just remember to sync them after the server code has been deployed to staging.


In addition to that, the Hermit Client is also debuggable using VSCode's debugger, thanks to the launch configuration found at .vscode/launch.json. In order to debug the app, first run npm run start, set a breakpoint, open the Debug pane, and run the Launch Chrome against localhost program.


Hermit Client implements a custom auth system using a combination of JWTs and cookies. The main idea is this, a client logs in by providing email and password. The Hermit Server will respond with a JWT and a Set-Cookie header, setting a cookie in the browser with a session id. The token is stored in memory and can be used to authenticate requests as long as the page is not reloaded. If the page is reloaded, then Hermit Client requests a new token by sending the stored cookie. The token is available everywhere in the application thanks to react's Context pattern. Most of the logic can be found at src/hooks/useAuth.

The session is stored in the database as opposed to being in-memory server side. However, due to most requests using a JWT, this will not be a big performance hit, as we only need to query the DB when the client is exchanging a cookie for a token, and this only happens once when the app is being initialized. The benefit of storing the session in the DB is that Hermit Server remains stateless, and can be scaled horizontally without issues.

Integration Tests

All integration tests will run against Hermit Server's staging environment. Github Actions is configured to run integration tests when a PR is opened against the main branch. The configuration is located at .github/workflows/test.yml. Itegration tests are found at cypress/e2e. The integration tests steps is configured to enforce test coverage, currently set at 50%, but the idea is to achieve 100% code coverage in the future.

To run tests locally, first start the dev server in test mode:

npm run start:test

This will instrument the code in order for cypress to collect code coverage. Then run:

npx cypress open

And you will use Cypress' dashboard in order to run tests. The code coverage report can be found at coverage/lcov-report/index.html. Open it in a browser and voila!


Deployed with Heroku Pipelines. When code is pushed to the main branch, the application is deployed to a staging environment. The application in the staging env can be promoted to production with the simple click of a button in the Heroku pipelines dashboard. The Procfile at the root of the project declares a web process in Heroku that will serve the static files that are produced by the npm run build step.


Currently, environment configuration is calculated at runtime based on the url. The next feature on the roadmap is to get rid of the src/utils/getHost function and instead get all the configuration paramenters via a call to the express base server /.


A template for creating Hermit apps


Language:TypeScript 63.1%Language:HTML 17.4%Language:SCSS 10.9%Language:JavaScript 5.4%Language:CSS 3.2%Language:Procfile 0.1%