svanas / delphereum

web3 implementation for the Delphi programming language

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Hi, guru, I failed to apply ENS following the URL of

gneowing opened this issue · comments

Hi, guru,
I failed to apply ENS following the URL of
I did connect with my MetaMask with Goerlie.
But the name like “XXX.XXXX.test” is not supported.
And the name like “” seemed OK but no “Confirm” or other possible buttons for me to go on with applying this domain.

Detail please refer to the attached file.
Hi guru 230511.docx


I did connect with my MetaMask with Goerli. But the name like “XXX.XXXX.test” is not supported.

Apparently .test was a Ropsten-only thing and Goerli has a deployment of the .eth registrar for testing purposes.

Please try your username ending with .eth, for example: gneowing.eth

I have updated the medium article accordingly.

Detail please refer to the attached file. [Hi guru 230511.docx]

I am sorry but I cannot and will not open your attachments.

Got it. Thank you.

I tried. But need money to get the ENS.
Screenshot from 2023-05-15 09-26-58


I tried. But need money to get the ENS.

Assuming you are on the Goerli testnet, yes you need Goerli ETH to register an ENS

OK. Done.