svanas / delphereum

web3 implementation for the Delphi programming language

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Hi, guru, I failed in "transferring-ether-with-delphi" with an exception of “Invalid signature v value”, please give me a hand,thank you.

gneowing opened this issue · comments

Hi, guru,

My environment:

  1. Embarcadero® Delphi 10.4 Version 27.0.38860.1461 (10.4 Update 1)
  2. Windows 7 Service Pack 1(Version 6.1, Build 7601 64-bit Edition)
  3. Ganche UI v2.7.1 from github
  4. Latest(2 weeks ago) code from

I tried the tutorials from 1 till 4, all is well (after very small modification of Json and TLS things) and thrilled me.
But while running the 5th:
I did see the confirm dialog of
“Your signature is being requested.
Network: Ethereum
Gas price: 20 GWei
Gas estimate: 21000 units
Gas fee: $0.80
Do you approve of this request”

But after clicking the “Yes” button, I got an exception of “Invalid signature v value” , it confused me .
Please give a hand about it, your generous help will be very appreciated 😊.


Thank you for your bug report. There was an issue with this example, but I couldn't reproduce your error. Please pull the latest source, use the updated example, and try again. Thanks!


Please note I still need to update medium article 8-12. Article 1-7 should be fine. Please let me know if you find any problems with them. Thanks!


@gneowing I find your bug reports very confusing

  1. Your screen shots aren't included. Please include them
  2. You're telling me the example in the medium article doesn't work, but you seem to be running another example
  3. I get the impression you're not running the latest version of Delphereum. Please check your search path. You are probably linking to another version you think you are.

I attached a .docx file in the former mail in case the screen shots gone. I attached here again plus a .csh file I used to git-pull.

There are no attachments. Please use the GitHub web interface and do not reply to these messages with attachments.


Reproduced with Ganache 2.7.1

Oh, sorry, I replied in chrome's gmail directly.
Hi guru 230506.docx
So, perhaps the bug caused by Ganache?

BTW, I am doing the
Found :

  1. As a newer, I am not able to get Goerli ETH from for no real eth in my MetaMask.
  2. So Sepolia is more popular than Goerli, so I did get 0.5 Sepolia ETH from
  3. But I did not know how to get suitable test Token in
    I tried
    Please give me a hand, thank you ^-^

@gneowing the bug was with Ganache 2.7.1. Please pull this fix and then try this updated example. Thanks!


I am not able to get Goerli ETH from for no real eth in my MetaMask.

You can get Goerli ETH but you need to sign up and log into your Alchemy account first.

I did get 0.5 Sepolia ETH

The TST token has not been deployed to Sepolia. Please use Goerli.

Hi, guru
I did have Alchemy account and MetaMask wallet.
And now will show as the attached screen shot shows, " To prevent bots and abuse, the Goerli faucet requires a minimum mainnet balance of 0.001 ETH on the wallet address being used. Join the Ethereum ecosystem migration! Please use the Sepolia faucet instead."

And I have 0 ETH on my wallet address, so it is too difficult for me to use Goerli.


Hi, guru,
I git pull all the stuff and modify the code lines, the bug is fixed, admire you.

" TWeb3.Create(Ganache), // Ganache 2.7.1".


To prevent bots and abuse, the Goerli faucet requires a minimum mainnet balance of 0.001 ETH on the wallet address being used.

Yeah, Goerli ETH is in high demand. Here is a bridge where you buy some Goerli ETH, if you must

I googled and found a URL:
and some good guy gave an amazing URL:
So, Goerli ETH now is solved. ^-^


some good guy gave an amazing URL:

Thank you for bringing this resource to my attention. I have updated the medium article. Please note I still need to update medium article 8-12. These articles are using the (now deprecated) Ropsten testnet but they should get updated to the Sepolia testnet.