sushant12 / fuiter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Convert Fb page to website for small businesses.

Pre requisite

  • Postgresql > 9.2
  • Yarn
  • Nodejs
  • ruby 2.5.3


  • Clone the repo
  • Run bundle install
  • Run yarn install
  • Copy database.yml.sample and rename it to database.yml
  • Change credentials in database.yml
  • Copy .env.sample and rename it to .env
  • Run rake db:create && rake db:migrate
  • Run rake templates:sync
  • If you are working with js, css then you should run webpacker in a new tab bin/webpack-dev-server

Fetch credentials value

To fetch value from credentials.yml.enc Fuiter.credentials[:key]

Git workflow

Creating a feature branch

 git checkout develop
 git pull origin develop
 git checkout -b "feature/<feature-name>/<trello-card-id>"

Fixing a bug

git checkout -b "hotfix/<bug-name>/<card-id>"

You need to checkout and pull develop branch everytime before you start working on your next task. All the pull request should be sent to develop branch.

Adding Templates

If you want to add your own custom template, you can use this.

Create a directory inside views/templates/. Your template directory name should be written in small case. Inside your template directory, create a meta data file fuitter.json.

  "name": "your template name in small case. It should match the name of your template directory",
  "image": "preview image url",
  "properties": {
    "you can add any custom properties here that you will need in your template. For eg, slider,etc"

Your template will need a layout file.So create a folder inside views/layouts/templates/<your_template_name.html.slim>. Generally, this file will contain the header and the footer with the ability to dynamically load the body part of the website.

Inside your views/templates/<your_template_directory>, add your html.slim files. You need to strictily name your files about.html.slim, contact.html.slim, events.html.slim, events.html.slim, gallery.html.slim, home.html.slim, news.html.slim, photos.html.slim

Your javascript and css for the template should reside in app/javascript/templates/<your_template_directory>. In case of css, create a styles folder, for js create js folder, for images create images folder inisde the directory.

You need to link your files to your html so you need to create another directory inside app/javascript/packs/templates/<your_template_directory>/<name.js> file. You will need to import your css files and images and your javascript files into this file.

Save Template

You need to run rake templates:sync to list your templates in the web ui.

Custom Fuitter Class

When you use the editor to change the font color it will look for fuitter-color . It only updates the color if it finds that class.



Language:CSS 44.4%Language:JavaScript 30.1%Language:Ruby 10.6%Language:Vue 6.2%Language:HTML 5.5%Language:PHP 2.3%Language:TSQL 0.9%Language:CoffeeScript 0.0%