surmon-china / vue-quill-editor

@quilljs editor component for @vuejs(2)

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How vue-quill-editor combine with the syntax highlighter module of highlight.js

goforward01 opened this issue · comments

As the document of quill said, I add the highlight.js in my page.Well, no matter where I put the library in my html file, it always run out with the issue: Error: Syntax module requires highlight.js. Please include the library on the page before Quill., I searched a lot, but with no luck. Sorry, I know here isn't the place to ask question like that, but I really couldn't figure out how to solve this. So if anyone knows solutions about that, any suggestion will be appreciated, Thx.

Can you show me your code? Mainly part of your entry file, the introduction of highlight.js part and the introduction of components of the part.

Thanks for so rapid answer. my html file looks like:
** <link href="static/monokai-sublime.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script type="text/javascript" href="static/highlight.min.js"></script> **
And I used the vue-quill-editor for my SPA pro, for now the component just like the demo you give in the main page of this pro.
I put the code above in my head flag or after the body flag, neither way work. And the link of quill about the syntax highlight is: very much for your time, I'm new in Vue.js, maybe I lost something about the lifecycle of Vue component.

Is it a vue webpack project?

Try this code.

  // in your main.js
  import 'highlight.js'
  import 'highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.min.css'
  import VueQuillEditor from 'vue-quill-editor'
  // ...


  <quill-editor v-model="content" :options="editorOption"></quill-editor>

  import 'highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.min.css'
  import 'highlight.js'
  import Quill from 'quill'
  export default {
    // something...

It's a vue webpack project. I gave a shot about the suggestions above, well, it still report the same error as before. I'm not sure if the order of import will be loaded in run time. I would try again and make some experiments about the load order of lib file. thanks surmon-china, could you give me some advise about these~

In fact, this is because quill internal self-closure caused by the problem, the solution is as follows: modules.syntax from true to replace a function:

editorOption: {
  modules: {
    syntax: {
      highlight: text => window.hljs.highlightAuto(text).value
      // or
      highlight(text) {
        const result = window.hljs.highlightAuto(text)
        return result.value
  theme: 'snow'

Other parts remain the same, highlight.js still need to be introduced before the introduction of quill.

import hljs from 'highlight.js'
import 'highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.css'

wx20170417-120323 2x

Enjoy your work!

Wow, Thanks a lot, your save me tons of time. @surmon-china

If anyone wants to use this in NUXT:

  • add the CSS to your nuxt.config.js:
module.exports = {


  css: [


  • import highlight.js in your component and add it to editorOptions like so:
import hljs from 'highlight.js'


editorOption: {
  theme: 'snow',
  modules: {
    syntax: {
      highlight: text => hljs.highlightAuto(text).value

Thanks @surmon-china for pointing out the need for a function call!

In fact, this is because quill internal self-closure caused by the problem, the solution is as follows: modules.syntax from true to replace a function:

editorOption: {
  modules: {
    syntax: {
      highlight: text => window.hljs.highlightAuto(text).value
      // or
      highlight(text) {
        const result = window.hljs.highlightAuto(text)
        return result.value
  theme: 'snow'

Other parts remain the same, highlight.js still need to be introduced before the introduction of quill.

import hljs from 'highlight.js'
import 'highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.css'
wx20170417-120323 2x

Enjoy your work!

index.vue?0dbc:150 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'highlightAuto' of undefined

@macnie add hightlight config, like this

import hljs from 'highlightjs'
  languages: ['javascript', 'python']
import 'highlightjs/styles/monokai-sublime.css'
import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css'
import * as Quill from 'quill'
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      quill: null
  mounted () {
    this.quill = new Quill('#editor', {
      modules: {
        syntax: {
          highlight: text => hljs.highlightAuto(text).value
        toolbar: '#toolbar-container'
      placeholder: 'Compose an epic...',
      theme: 'snow'


In NUXT project, highlight.js asynchronous change 'content'. In 'onEditorChange(){}' , 'this.content' repeated assignment. So dead cycle. The code and error are as follows:

[Vue warn]: You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function.

found in

---> <QuillEditor> at components/common/quillEditor.vue
       <Pages/detail/Index.vue> at pages/detail/_index.vue
           <Layouts/default.vue> at layouts/default.vue
    NuxtJS 7
data() {
            return {
                content: ""
                editorOption: {
                    modules: {
                        toolbar: [ ... ],
                        syntax: {
                            highlight: text => hljs.highlightAuto(text).value
        methods: {
            onEditorChange({quill, html, text}) {
                this.content = html;

Try this code.

  // in your main.js
  import 'highlight.js'
  import 'highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.min.css'
  import VueQuillEditor from 'vue-quill-editor'
  // ...


  <quill-editor v-model="content" :options="editorOption"></quill-editor>

  import 'highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.min.css'
  import 'highlight.js'
  import Quill from 'quill'
  export default {
    // something...

Hi. In the or part you are importing quill but you using quill-edior component. how this is happening? I don't understand.

Ok. I guess i solved it finally.
I added this
<script src="//"></script>
in the index.html.

And it's done.

In fact, this is because quill internal self-closure caused by the problem, the solution is as follows: modules.syntax from true to replace a function:

editorOption: {
  modules: {
    syntax: {
      highlight: text => window.hljs.highlightAuto(text).value
      // or
      highlight(text) {
        const result = window.hljs.highlightAuto(text)
        return result.value
  theme: 'snow'

Other parts remain the same, highlight.js still need to be introduced before the introduction of quill.

import hljs from 'highlight.js'
import 'highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.css'
wx20170417-120323 2x

Enjoy your work!

In fact, this is because quill internal self-closure caused by the problem, the solution is as follows: modules.syntax from true to replace a function:

editorOption: {
  modules: {
    syntax: {
      highlight: text => window.hljs.highlightAuto(text).value
      // or
      highlight(text) {
        const result = window.hljs.highlightAuto(text)
        return result.value
  theme: 'snow'

Other parts remain the same, highlight.js still need to be introduced before the introduction of quill.

import hljs from 'highlight.js'
import 'highlight.js/styles/monokai-sublime.css'
wx20170417-120323 2x

Enjoy your work!

i think i may have the solution
what i need to do is to handle these message