surge-synthesizer / monique-monosynth

Monique monosynth

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make version copyable

baconpaul opened this issue · comments


I painted the version onto the credit screen last night
Realized I could make it a hyperlink easily, so clicking on it puts full version info on your clipboard. Not that hard and useful as we get into nightly build land
So just wanted to add an issue as a reminder since I won't do it this morning.

This either needs a new home or the window needs to change.
Right now this window closes on mouse movement.
No mouse fast enough to get there.


Yeah I think we may want to update the about screens in both tools

the surge abour screen copyable block has served us super well. I started borrowing it for sc. perhaps we need similar here?