surge-synthesizer / monique-monosynth

Monique monosynth

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

xcode project or projucer file?

dataexcess opened this issue · comments


I followed the instructions command and I'm now left wondering how to open this in xcode?
Is there a .projucer or.xcproj file somewhere generated? I cannot find it. Thank you!


We use cmake. You can make an Xcode project using cmake -GXcode in the first cmake step or build with any cmake aware tool or the command line

Thank you so much for the quick answer!
I'm still realtively new to CMake so I didn't know about this -gxcode argument.

Ok, I reinstalled now with the extra argument and I found a xcodeproj in the /ignore/build folder.
I can open this project but I don't see the src folder in xcode.. is this normal? I am used to open juce xcode projects via the projucer and all the source files always have more or less the same folder structure.
I also tried to run the MoniqueMonosynth_VST3 target (with ableton as exceutable) and it runs but I cannot find any monique synth in my plugin folder...

Any help much appreciated! Thank you!


I don’t use Xcode but the project should be complete

the vst3 will be in ignore/build somewhere - would have to look but probably src/Monique artefacts or thereabouts

If in the first cmake where you do -g Xcode you also add


The vat3 will install in ~library at the end of a successful build. The standalone target is also useful for testing

I found the VST3 and put it in my audio/plugins folder.
All good, thank you!