suprhst / emacs.d

Emacs configuration file From Youtube Stream And some Additions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Emacs configuration file From Youtube Stream And some Additions

  • feel free to use my configuration or steal whats necessary for you from this if requires

Make sure you have these following availabe in your system for some functionalities

  • C compiler like gcc/mingW for compiling sqllite database for org roam(done automatically by Emacs)
  • graphviz for orgroam graph generation
  • texlive-latex-extra for pdf export

Install On Linux/Mac

git clone

cp emacs.d/* ~/.emacs.d/

mkdir ~/{orgroam,org}

And Restart Emacs

For Windows

inside your user directory locate .emacs.d and copy init.el & and restart emacs it will pull the packages from melpa

Support the packages inside the config if possible in their respective Gits/ Pages / Websites keep opensource community thriving :)

Hope you Have a Wonderful Day


Emacs configuration file From Youtube Stream And some Additions


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%