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supabase-js rpc call error: message: 'a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"'

bbagherian opened this issue · comments

Bug report

  • I confirm this is a bug with Supabase, not with my own application.
  • I confirm I have searched the Docs, GitHub Discussions, and Discord.

Describe the bug

Following this documentation leads to an error on rpc call:

    "code": "42601",
    "details": null,
    "hint": null,
    "message": "a column definition list is required for functions returning \"record\""

To Reproduce

SQL on the website dashboard:

create table if not exists public.restaurants (
	id int generated by default as identity primary key,
	name text not null,
	location geography(POINT) not null

create index restaurants_geo_index
  on public.restaurants
  using GIST (location);

insert into public.restaurants
  (name, location)
  ('Supa Burger', st_point(-73.946823, 40.807416)),
  ('Supa Pizza', st_point(-73.94581, 40.807475)),
  ('Supa Taco', st_point(-73.945826, 40.80629));

create or replace function nearby_restaurants(lat float, long float)
returns setof record
language sql
as $$
  select id, name, st_astext(location) as location, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from public.restaurants
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;

and now in the app:

const { data, error } = await supabase.rpc('nearby_restaurants', {
  lat: 40.807313,
  long: -73.946713,

console.log('rpc restaurant', data, error);

Expected behavior

List of results



System information

  • OS: [windows]
  • Browser (if applies) [chrome]
  • Version of supabase-js: [2.26.0]
  • Version of Node.js: [18.16.1]

Running as query is ok by the way, the api call is broken I believe:


Running as query is ok by the way

Try it in SQL as:

select * from nearby_restaurants(40, -73);

And you'll see it fail in the same way as the RPC.

ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"

When you declare a SETOF function, it is a table-valued function and thus a SELECT * FROM func() is the most suitable query for it.


  • look at the select nearby_restaurants() result. It has the tuple format (3, \"..) which is not suitable for a web application.
  • If you don't declare types for your table-valued function, then typescript types can't also be generated (@soedirgo CMIIW).

Although a better error message could be generated.

The root cause of this issue seems to be this guide

This discussion reports it used to work before? Will check that out.

I'll fix this on PostgREST/postgrest#2881 and go back to the previous behavior. So this worked before because PostgREST considered a setof record as scalar to avoid OP's error.

However this method has the disadvantage of not being able to select particular columns from it:

create or replace function setof_record() returns setof record as $$
  select * from projects;
$$ language sql;
curl 'localhost:3000/rpc/setof_record?select=id'
{"code":"42703","details":null,"hint":null,"message":"column does not exist"}

Considering that, it would be better to fix the PostGIS guide to use this function signature:

create or replace function nearby_restaurants(lat float, long float)
returns TABLE (id, name, location text, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
  select id, name, st_astext(location) as location, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from public.restaurants
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;

The above should work on the current version.


I'll fix this on PostgREST/postgrest#2881 and go back to the previous behavior. So this worked before because PostgREST considered a setof record as scalar to avoid OP's error.

However this method has the disadvantage of not being able to select particular columns from it:

create or replace function setof_record() returns setof record as $$
  select * from projects;
$$ language sql;
curl 'localhost:3000/rpc/setof_record?select=id'
{"code":"42703","details":null,"hint":null,"message":"column does not exist"}

Considering that, it would be better to fix the PostGIS guide to use this function signature:

create or replace function nearby_restaurants(lat float, long float)
returns TABLE (id public.restaurants%TYPE, name public.restaurants%TYPE, location text, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
  select id, name, st_astext(location) as location, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from public.restaurants
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;

The above should work on the current version.

Thanks for the solution. Btw I changed a little this because it was returning invalid sql error then I removed public schema name and wrote types hardcoded instead of variables (%TYPE) and here it's:

create or replace function nearby_restaurants(lat float, long float)
returns TABLE (id int, name varchar, location text, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
  select id, name, st_astext(location) as location, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from restaurants
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;

FYI, this is already fixed on PostgREST v11.2.0 (not deployed to Supabase yet).

Deploy with the fix is already approved supabase/postgres#720.

Additionally the docs have been updated supabase/supabase#16177

Hello, i have this problem that suddenly appear on my app. When will the fix be deployed in supabase?