supabase / pg_net

A PostgreSQL extension that enables asynchronous (non-blocking) HTTP/HTTPS requests with SQL

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pg_net causes database to crash if url is null

psteinroe opened this issue · comments

Bug report

Describe the bug

If the url is null, the database crashes

To Reproduce

supabase init
supabase start
docker restart <your-db-container-name> (see supabase/cli#137)
Go to the sql editor and run the following code

create extension if not exists pg_net;

create table if not exists test (
  id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid()

create or replace function test_trigger()
  returns trigger
  language plpgsql
  security invoker
        body:='{"hello": "world"}'::jsonb
  return new;

create trigger call_test_trigger
after insert on test
for each row execute procedure test_trigger();

insert into test default values;

Result: Connection terminated unexpectedly

Expected behavior

An exception is raised telling the user that the url cannot be null.

System information

  • OS: macOS

Can reproduce, this crashes the connection

select net.http_post(null, '{"hello": "world"}'::jsonb);

server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: 2022-08-31 18:13:06.420 -05 [132919] LOG:  server process (PID 132933) was terminated by signal 11: Segmentation fault
2022-08-31 18:13:06.420 -05 [132919] DETAIL:  Failed process was running: select net.http_post(null, '{"hello": "world"}'::jsonb);
2022-08-31 18:13:06.420 -05 [132919] LOG:  terminating any other active server processes

Happens because on net.http_post


Lines 135 to 147 in deed712

insert into net.http_request_queue(method, url, headers, timeout_milliseconds)
values (
net._encode_url_with_params_array(url, params_array),
returning id
into request_id;
return request_id;

The net._encode_url_with_params_array accepts nulls and it segfaults in the C code


Lines 98 to 104 in deed712

create or replace function net._encode_url_with_params_array(url text, params_array text[])
-- url encoded string
returns text
language 'c'
as 'pg_net';

While the url of the queue is not null


Lines 11 to 19 in deed712

create table net.http_request_queue(
id bigserial primary key,
method net.http_method not null,
url text not null,
headers jsonb not null,
body bytea,
-- TODO: respect this
timeout_milliseconds int not null

The simple solution is making the _encode_url_with_params_array STRICT so it returns NULL and let the non-null constraint of the queue fail.