supabase / auth

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Event indicating that the confirmation of `updateUser` was successful

yegor-pelykh opened this issue · comments

Why, after a user successfully confirms an email address change (after calling updateUser), the application doesn't receive an event confirming this action?
The application should receive a userUpdated event or some new type of event.
Otherwise, it is now impossible to know that the confirmation was successful.

To Reproduce

  1. call auth.updateUser
  2. click on the confirmation link in the email

Expected behavior

Application should receive an event indicating that the confirmation was successful.

Thanks for opening!
updateUser can indicate changes beyond only the email changing and those are typically instant (i.e. updating the password or metadata).

Would you want this event to trigger for all possibilities of updateUser or are you looking for an event for something like email/phone changed?

Note: I am moving this to the Auth repo so the right team is involved

Hi @encima, thanks for the answer!

Would you want this event to trigger for all possibilities of updateUser or are you looking for an event for something like email/phone changed?

I would say, it would be logical to provide this event for all cases where some kind of user action outside the application is required. For example, as in my case, confirmation by clicking on a link in an email.
I would prefer to see another raising of userUpdated event for each such action outside the application, and along with the event provide an actual session with user data.

You mean raise an event everywhere the user is signed in?

I think it would be enough to receive only on the device that initiated the authorization.