sunng87 / ring-jetty9-adapter

An enhanced version of jetty adapter for ring, with additional features like websockets, http/2 and http/3

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Removal of previous websocket configuration API a month after first introducing replacement makes upgrading hazardous

TuggyNE opened this issue · comments

In 0.15.3, if I'm not mistaken, the only way to configure websockets was through the :websockets key in options. The next version, 0.16.0, introduced a new simplified API with ws-upgrade-request?/ws-upgrade-response, which is great! But then a month later 0.17.0 removed :websockets support entirely. Anyone who doesn't have the time to rewrite their server's websocket support is now stuck on an old version.

The rewrite probably seems pretty trivial for the base case, but for someone using a library that does non-trivial things with websocket support, such as Sente, working out how to simplify the handshake so it works again is non-trivial, and of course expecting an unrelated library to adapt to breaking changes within a month would be silly. Putting the deprecated support back in for now to allow a longer transition would be appreciated.

@TuggyNE Thank you for reaching out! Jetty and the adapter has been mature enough and there isn't much feature to be add in 0.17.x. So it's totally OK to stick with 0.16 until http/3 support or any security fix is out. I can offer help on porting Sente to newer release the library, and perhaps adding back the legacy api if the new one cannot fit features in Sente.