sunng87 / ring-jetty9-adapter

An enhanced version of jetty adapter for ring, with additional features like websockets, http/2 and http/3

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Connected successful. But cannot receive any data.

xtang opened this issue · comments

Below is my test code:

(ns websocket-server.core
  (:use [ring.adapter.jetty9])
  (:import (org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api Session)))

(defn dummy-app [req]
  {:status 200})

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (run-jetty dummy-app {:port 50524
                        :join? false
                        :websockets {"/path" {:create-fn  (fn [ring-request-map]
                                                            {:status 200})
                                              :connect-fn (fn [ring-request-map ^Session ws-conn ring-session]
                                                            (prn "connect-fn"))
                                              :text-fn    (fn [ring-request-map ^Session ws-session ring-session message]
                                                            (prn "text-fn"))
                                              :binary-fn  (fn [ring-request-map ^Session ws-session ring-session payload offset len]
                                                            (prn "binary-fn"))
                                              :close-fn   (fn [ring-request-map ring-session statusCode reason]
                                                            (prn "close-fn"))
                                              :error-fn   (fn [ring-request-map ring-session e]
                                                            (prn "error-fn"))}}}))

Note: the version is 0.5.0

Please help:)

oh, sorry. The new websocket API is merged from a pull request. I will look into it.


I cannot reproduce this error. Note that you need to connect to ws://localhost:50524/path/. The trailing slash is required. Otherwise, Jetty will returns a 302 to redirect you to /path/, however, most websocket clients could not deal with that redirect.

I have fixed some issues with 0.5.x and a new 0.5.2 is available from clojars.

I might change the websocket API in next release because the arguments of these functions are confusing.


Sorry, I forgot to commit the Fixed missing argument...

It's wired that I connected to '/path/' successfully, but the server seems no response for ws.send('hello').

hmmm... the current API design for websocket handler is pretty bad.

I need some rework on proxy-ws-handler. In the original WebSocketAdaptor, we will call this.getRemote().sendString() to send something.

For a better API:

  • all of these handler functions should be optional
  • these functions do not have to accept a ring-session and ring-request-map
  • we need to pass a websocket object to these functions so we can send message to clients

It won't be difficult. I will work on this tomorrow.

Currently, in order to echo message back to client, you will need to call

:text-fn (fn [_ session _ message]
  (.. session (getRemote) (sendString message)))

Hi, Ning:

I will close this issue, because I found it's not related to the ring-jetty9-adapter, but the compatibility between jetty9 and jdk. I was using jdk1.7.0_05 which does not work with jetty9. After upgrading the jdk to 1.7.0_51, everything goes well.

Thanks for help!!

I just release 0.6.0 and cleaned up websocket APIs. I think it's far better than 0.5.x.

I didn't implement all functions provided by Jetty. If you find something missing or broken in the new API, feel free to submit an issue.