sumitasok / references

references for conda, machine learning, ruby, sql, git, python, sh - and lots of code.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Learning materials

code that I wrote while learning.

/go - go language related code

/cpp_learning - c++ related learning.

Why mono repo?

  • avoids clutering of unnecessary repors in github; keeps the githug repo list clean and searchable.
  • a repo needs to be created when it has to be distributed as a plugin, or a standalone functionality for the public.
  • sharing of utils among different projects; updation of plugins as projects use it more since a single repo holds the utils.


references for conda, machine learning, ruby, sql, git, python, sh - and lots of code.


Language:Python 49.2%Language:Go 24.1%Language:C++ 11.2%Language:Ruby 9.0%Language:Shell 4.9%Language:Makefile 1.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%