sul-dlss / sul-requests

Rails application for requesting materials from Stanford University Library

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Fix request parameter rewriting in rails 7.1.x

thatbudakguy opened this issue · comments

It seems that in rails 7.1 our HTTP request parameters are being rewritten during the delegation process, where e.g.:

should become

but instead becomes (note ampersand)

this causes the parameters to be parsed incorrectly by the receiving controller:

Started GET “/hold_recalls/create?request[barcodes][36105231817524]=1&request[destination]=GREEN-LOAN&request[item_id]=in00000001563&request[needed_date]=2024-10-23&request[origin]=SAL3&request[origin_location]=STACKS”
Parameters: {“request”=>{“barcodes”=>{“36105231817524”=>“1"}}, “amp;request”=>{“destination”=>“GREEN-LOAN”, “item_id”=>“in00000001563”, “needed_date”=>“2024-10-23”, “origin”=>“SAL3”, “origin_location”=>“STACKS”}}

this behavior originates here:

def delegated_new_request_path(request, url_params = nil)
url_params ||= params.except(:controller, :action).to_unsafe_h
new_polymorphic_path(request.type.underscore, url_params)
helper_method :delegated_new_request_path

we can't replicate this problem locally, so it may interact with some configuration on our servers (Apache?)

Were you able to reproduce this on requests-dev? I deployed #1950 there and can't reproduce. Do you have example requests that this happened on?

My memory is that we replicated and fixed this on stage; I don't think we did anything with dev. When I was testing, I did so with That resulted in

I see; it's not the redirect from requests/new to hold_recalls/new, but actually submitting the form?

That would make sense! I just saw that the params from SW were coming in correctly but getting messed up somewhere inside requests, and assumed it was during request type delegation.

Note: Chris may have a PR already for this which requires review/rebasing.

@hudajkhan @cbeer Can y'all confirm whether there is a PR for this already?

The PR was #1950 AFACT