Conflict with AutoComplPop -- E764: Option 'omnifunc' is not set
markgamis opened this issue · comments
I installed xml.vim with AutoComplPop ( annd when i open an xml (or html file), as soon as I type <
, I get a "E764: Option 'omnifunc' is not set" error, and vim will keep on complaining with the same error for every character i type until i close it with a >
After that, the tag is auto-closed as expected.
A quick google search found this article which quotes:
If you get an error like E764: Option 'omnifunc' is not set, then run
:runtime! autoload/pythoncomplete.vim
to load the omnicompletion plugin.
Didn't work. Thanks for the response anyway.
To clarify, the error doesn't happen if the two plugins (AutoComplPop and
xml.vim) are NOT enabled at the same time.
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 9:25 PM, Devin Weaver notifications@github.comwrote:
A quick google search found this article quotes:
If you get an error like E764: Option 'omnifunc' is not set, then run :runtime!
autoload/pythoncomplete.vim to load the omnicompletion plugin.—
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Mark Gamis
"It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away"
I can confim the issue. I already tried what the article said, but it didn't do anything.
I don't have any knowledge on AutoCompPop. Does anyone have any experience with that plugin / codebase? I'd like to get some feedback about the plugin and how it works before I start hacking away at a kludgy workaround.
autocmd FileType xml set omnifunc=xmlcomplete#CompleteTags noci
autocmd FileType html set omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags noci
In your vimrc
Thanks othree, I had the same problem and that worked
Added fix to README file.
I think this is not a conflict.
This should be autocomplpop's issue.
It will auto trigger omnicomplete for xml.
But people might not set it correctly.
Since the autocomplpop is not update any more for 2 years.
I have forked it and try to improve it.
I will try to solve this issue.
Thanks othree for the "fix". Looking forward to your AutoComplPop fork.
Thanks @othree for the "fix".
Or add this in your .vimrc is also useful:
filetype on
filetype plugin on