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assets not getting loaded

Raghwendra-Dey opened this issue · comments

When i run the site locally it only showed the plain html, it can't import the css and some other files. It seems that it imports all the /assets/* from the root url instead of relative_url, since i have my site not on the root of the domain but in some other repo but it can't load the /assets/* files, even when i set the baseurl variable in _config.yml file. I searched for the /assets/css/main.css in the repo and could find many places where href is directly given as /assets/css/main.css instead of with | relative_url
The screenshot of the output of the running the server is attached herewith for you to look into:

Screenshot from 2020-05-20 17-16-47

Sure, the baseurl is not getting attached. Will check this. You can try replacing the head links {{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/assets/ and configure the base url in _config.yml

Screenshot from 2020-05-25 11-43-01
These asstes are still not getting loaded. I tried searching for them in the repo and replacing them with the required path but even after replacing them its still not able to load them.

I cloned your repo only and just put the baseurl argument in the _config.yml file, rest everthing is same as your repo.

Sure, here's my _config.yml file screenshot:

Screenshot from 2020-05-25 19-15-00

Lines 6 and 7 are the only lines which i changed, everything else is exactly same.
When i served this locally it showed me this:

Screenshot from 2020-05-25 19-28-21
Screenshot from 2020-05-25 19-29-36

Then i tried searching for the missing /assets/img/post.. in the repo i found it only in here(line 13):

Screenshot from 2020-05-25 19-27-56

I replaced it with appending {{site.baseurl}} but it only corrected one thing, i.e. output after that is:

Screenshot from 2020-05-25 19-30-18
Screenshot from 2020-05-25 19-29-36