sui77 / rc-switch

Arduino lib to operate 433/315Mhz devices like power outlet sockets.

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Can't use more than one transmitter/receiver (trying to alternate between them without success)

lethevimlet opened this issue · comments


I've been trying to setup multiple transmitter/receivers with no success since this is not supported apparently
(would be nice to mention it on the

Now I was wondering if I could alternate between the transmitters and receivers but I had no success with the following approach,
even trying to re-initalize RCSwitch().

int test = 0;
RCSwitch receiver;

setup() {
   receiver = RCSwitch();

loop() {
  if (receiver.available())
    if(test == 0) {
      Serial.println("spawing to 315");
      test = 1; 
    } else {
       Serial.println("spawing to 433");
       test = 0;

   receiver = RCSwitch(); // ISSUE! This wont reset all internal variables
   receiver.enableReceive(test); // ISSUE! This won't change once initialized

Could you provide a way of changing dynamically transmitter/receiver pins or a way to create RCSwitch instances?


(Using 2 transmitters and 2 receivers to support 315/433MHZ for my WIP Web Universal Controller)

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#422 (closed)