sui77 / rc-switch

Arduino lib to operate 433/315Mhz devices like power outlet sockets.

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Does not work with remote NICE for stores

aterzaghi opened this issue · comments

thanks for you your wonderful library.
I was looking to grab and reproduce the commands of this remote in order to automate them in an Arduino/Pi/Nodered infrastructure.

I loaded your example ReceiveDemo_Advanced with no changes and connected a normal 433MHy device to pin #2

your library do not detect the remote... maybe there is any hope, just tweaking something?
many thanks

Did you start with connecting receiver only or both receiver and transmitter?
If transmitter is present you need to add
mySwitch.enableTransmit(<transmitter pin>);

Dear Pierzogad,

thank your for your answer.
I followed exactly what described in the page, just copying the code that compiled perfectly and attaching receiver ONLY.

thank you for any idea.