sui77 / rc-switch

Arduino lib to operate 433/315Mhz devices like power outlet sockets.

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Can't receive my shutter remote

Aderelli opened this issue · comments


I am trying to copy my shutter remote's 433Mhz RF signals with SRX882 module connected to a D1 mini.
Running the receivedemo i can see local RF signals, but I can't see signals from my remote when i press any of the buttons on it.

I took apart the remote it uses a CC110L chip as a transrecevier.

I uploaded a few pictures of the board inside the remote.

Could you guys help on what am I missing here?


Do you habe any other external remotes to try?
In my setup I had to get very close to the receiver, less then 1cm.
If that doesn't help you could try plugin the output to your pcs audio input and record with e.g. audacity just to see it you receive anything.