sugarme / gotch

Go binding for Pytorch C++ API (libtorch)

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How to load pretrained pytorch model.

shabashaash opened this issue · comments

Sorry for my stupidity, but i cant understand how to load model trained with pytorch? I have .pth file and can rewrite file on GO (or save it to .pt with scripting), but how to do it generally?

Hi @shabashaash

There're 2 ways to load Python Pytorch model with gotch:

  1. Convert Python model to numpy (.npz) then gotch provides ts.ReadNpz method to read .npz file. See example/convert-model.
  2. Save model to JIT then gotch provides APIs for both inferring and finetuning/training model. See example here and here

Thx for the answer!
Sorry again i know this isn't a stackoverflow or somethin, but I would really appreciate your help.
I saved model to ".npz" then to ".gt".

My model is EraseNet (its a GAN with VGG16 as feature extractor).

When i'm try to forward pass it I get this error:

This is my code

        imageNet := vision.NewImageNet()

	device := gotch.CudaIfAvailable()

	image, err := imageNet.LoadImage("path/to/img.jpg")
	imageTs, err := vision.Resize(image, 512, 512)

	usimage := imageTs.MustUnsqueeze(int64(0), false)

	Img := usimage.MustTo(device, true)

	if err != nil {
	model, err := ts.ModuleLoad("path/to/")
	if err != nil {
	output := Img.ApplyCModule(model)
	fmt.Printf("%8.3f\n", output)

Ok, Now im trying to trace it. Its gonna take a while because of many conflicts but if I manage to do it, i will write.


Ok i think i managed to script model successfully buuuut now i stuck with this problem.
Screenshot from 2021-07-21 23-16-20

All weights are clearly GPU.

Here state_dictionary of the model.

Here is the GO code.

imageNet := vision.NewImageNet()

	device := gotch.CudaIfAvailable()

	image, err := imageNet.LoadImage("path/to/image.jpg")
	imageTs, err := vision.Resize(image, 512, 512)

	usimage := imageTs.MustUnsqueeze(0, true)

	Img := usimage.MustTotype(gotch.Float, true)

	Img = Img.MustTo(device, true)

	if err != nil {

	model, err := ts.ModuleLoad("path/to/")
	if err != nil {
output := Img.ApplyCModule(model)
	fmt.Printf("%8.3f\n", output)

I don`t get where is the problem.

@shabashaash ,

Look like your model weights loaded to CPU. Can you try to forward image from CPU as well to see how you go first.

thx for reply, but i fixed this error (idk why but model.cuda() did not convert all modules to cuda and i have to do it manually).
I think i managed to load the model successfully, buuuuut yet again something went wrong.

Output of my U-Net part of the model looks like this.
Screenshot from 2021-07-22 02-07-44
But outputs of other layers look much more normal. (Believe me this looks MUUUCH more like the ref image).
Screenshot from 2021-07-22 02-09-43
Also when im trying to load .pt in python i get even worse results:
Screenshot from 2021-07-22 02-36-33
Screenshot from 2021-07-22 02-36-07

So its more likely a scripting problem and not the library. I would appreciate the help but i think i should ask somewhere else.

@sugarme i think we can close this issue)