Sudoka / Vinodex

CSE Spring 110 Project Repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Running the server

You should run the server in a virtualenv. This can be done like so:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv

Whenever you wish to work on the project, just cd into the directory that you ran the virtualenv venv command, and run

source venv/bin/activate

Then, you should install the requirements for the project:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need to install the tesseract OCR library. On Mac OS X, this can be done like so:

brew install tesseract

You will also need to install the zxing library. You should probably be able to install it this way (you may need to be logged in as root):

unzip -d /opt/local/
cd /opt/local/zxing-1.6 
ant -f core/build.xml
ant -f javase/build.xml

Finally, you can run the server like so:

cd wine
python runserver

Database Setup

We require a Postgresql database with the postgis extension installed.

On OS X postgis can be installed by running the commands:

brew install postgis
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres

After creating your database, run


on the database.

Finally, you can run the migrations:

python wine/ syncdb
python wine/ migrate wine

Populating the Database with sample data

If you want, you can populate your database with wines gathered from the API. This is necessary for Label and barcode recognition to work successfully. It will also be helpful for autocomplete. You can seed the database like so:

cd wine
python seed


You should test your code before sumbitting a pull request.

To test your code, use the following command:

python test wine

If you wish to add tests to the code, our tests are in the tests directory. You should add new tests whenever you implement new functionality.



CSE Spring 110 Project Repository